Looking for a long lost wallpaper from Wallbase days

Posts: 6 · Views: 309
  • 18892

    Hello everyone,

    I'm hoping you can help me find a wallpaper that I lost when Wallbase transitioned to Wallhaven five years ago.

    It was a photo of a busy street corner, the location was based in an Asian city, I do not know which one however my cut is thinking either China or Japan. On the side of the left side of the building there was a large glowing neon sign, beside it if I'm not mistaken was also a fire escape. There were shops on the lower level of the building all at street level. the colors I want to say were almost of a vaporwave style.

    Below is a very terrible representation of what it looked like.


    If you need any further details please let me know I will try my best to convey what I am looking for.

    Thanks in advance for all your efforts.

  • 18898

    DezChamps Nice drawing m8.

    This is the closest I've got to your description.


    1920 x 1080102
    1920 x 108027
    1920 x 108082

    *Edit: Was it a real picture?

  • 18900

    Nathrezim kejsirajbek

    Hey thanks for your help thus far, unfortunately those are not the photos I was looking for. It was indeed a real photo, the view was more elevated looking slightly down onto the street corner. the sign was long and skinny, and looking at these now I want to say the color of the whole photo had more of an orange hew.

    both of you are fantastic for helping, thanks so much.
