Report workflow

Posts: 11 · Views: 167
  • 3367

    Here I am, the little whining b**ch :-)

    Well I was wondering how the team reviews the reported wallpapers ? Is there any check or anything is deleted immediately ?

    I ask the question for this one (NSFW) deleted because of "collage". As far as I know "collages" are not prohibited, and if they are one should deleted 95% of my wallpaper :-D

    I totally understand that the team can't review every reported wallpaper, it's just too much (useless) work. But if there isn't one kind of "self regulating" system, I think it could be a good idea to add one.

    What I am thinking of is something like :

    • the wallpaper has been reported X times (lets say 25) => automatically delete the wallpaper
    • the wallpaper has been reported Y times (10 ?) => send the wallpaper for manual review
    • otherwise, just leave it here (or send it to review with low priority)

    Thank you !

  • 3368

    The current workflow goes something like this:

    • A user (any user) reports a wallpaper for a particular reason, such as; duplicate, rule broken, low quality, etc. along with info pertaining to the report, like the ID number of the original wall for duplicates, or what rule was broken.

    • A staff member manually reviews the reported wall and takes the appropriate action. We do review every reported wallpaper, none are deleted immediately.

    In some circumstances, where there is doubt, staff members will discuss the wallpapers and reach a consensus.

    If you would like to question why your wallpaper was deleted, you can contact the staff member who deleted it and ask why, but please be polite.

  • 3369

    ok got it, although I think it's very inefficient/time consuming, especially if the website is going to grow up (which I hope !)

    I think lezboyd has other things to do than reading complains (I actually already asked once a few months ago I never got an answer). I'll worry if my wallpapers begin to be systematically deleted for a reason is not in the rules, but for one I don't care.

    Have a nice day :D

  • 3370

    We have a list view of reports and options to delete or what have you, so it's manual. Ideally each wall is checked individually. We do actually review every report but there's usually some backlog.

    Collages aren't against the rules in themselves, but might be considered as low-quality edits, which are. I'm not keen on them personally but I don't delete them for being collages.

    That idea you suggest would need to be solid in order to prevent abuse. For now manual staff work does the job well enough, but I'm sure some disagree...

  • 3372

    Obviously we can't automatically delete wallpapers based on a single report, so the aternative would be a voting system similar to the one on reddit, where wallpapers will be “hidden” once they have reached a certain threshold of downvotes. I'd actually really like such a system (I believe I'm not the only one) but it's very different from what we have now and would probably require quite a bit of work to incorporate completely.

    Also we'd still need a report button, since “bad” wallpapers and wallpapers that break the rules are still not the same. Basically the democratic approach could alleviate some of the staffs work regarding low quality wallpapers while serious offenders would still need to be taken care of directly.

    Bear in mind we're also still going to add a proper automated duplicate detection (eventually™) which should also reduce the amount of reports.

    I'd also like to mention that we (or at least I) usually take a look at other uploads by somebody who has had multiple wallpapers reported. So if you've had 3 of your 10 uploads deleted, chances are somebody has checked the other ones and didn't find them to be problematic. Of course that's not a promise.

  • 3373

    but might be considered as low-quality edits, which are

    I didn't read the details after "low-quality edits" in the rules...

    Well my point of view is that as soon as it's not blurry, pixelated or with compression artifacts, it should be allowed, and considerings the number of favorites on my uploads I'm not the only one to think that way. It's actually a good way to have nice looking wallpapers (<= that's subjective) when most models photoshots are in portrait and not in landscape.

    OFC it's my point of view, I'm not here to change the rules.

    Added 2015-06-22 20:37:15

    offtopic: I don't know how you detect duplicates currently, I just know it can be tricked easily (with a little colorshift for example) you could look at, I didn't tested it yet (I need duplicates detection for a personal project) but it looks promising

  • 3377

    I agree, so we have good and cheap collages ;-) (partially ironical) Problem is that defining the limit between both is difficult, I think the problem is the same for the limit on sexual wallpapers (the part about closeups), what is too much for one is acceptable for someone else.

    So my point here is that I'll continue to upload the WPs I do for myself, unless the rules are changed to explicitly disallow them (I hope they won't...).

  • 3406

    shadomare, most of our policy on things like uploading comes down to compromise. The staff agree on a lot of things but we still have individual feelings about things like what porn is 'okay' and so on, just like every user has their own ideas. We usually settle on rules that we think are best for the site overall.

  • 3411

    Collages are fine if they are well made. For example, if there is a consistent background, the poses are from the same set and the there are no compression artefacts or the source pics are not low-res samples. But a lot of them are low quality edits where 3 or 4 different images of the same model, from vastly different settings, are just pasted together (usually from low-res sample pics) and made into a larger pic. Those I consider safe to delete, as they are mostly made to circumvent low-res restrictions and rules against sample pics.

    Also, feel free to msg me anytime. I try to reply if the question/query is legit, and not rude.

    Last updated
  • 3418

    I guess that's what the moderator rank is for. They have 'cleaning' tools but not full delete/ban actions.
