Question about searching by multiple tags

Posts: 5 · Views: 755
  • 2599

    If I put multiple tags to search by ( forest, river, ocean) does wallhaven search for photos containing all or photos containg any of the listed tags?

  • 2614

    As far as I have experienced it, wallhavens search function searches for wallpapers tagged with at least one of the entered tags and puts the wallpapers with the best hits (e.g. 2/2 of the searched tags are used for this specific wallpaper) at the top and the ones containing less of your searched tags below that.

    So searching for #forests and winter would at first lead you to wallpapers tagged with both and later on to the ones tagged with only one of the searched tags.

    To answer your question I think that wallhavens priority is to search for wallpapers containing the most and up to all of your entered tags and after that giving you the ones containing any of your tags. (only #forests or only #rivers and so on)

  • 2616

    That makes sense then, thanks!

  • 27501

    So . . .

    is it possible to use 2 tags or more to find images with exact 2 tags ?

    I guess NOP ! don't U?

  • 27502

    bbaair said:

    So . . .

    is it possible to use 2 tags or more to find images with exact 2 tags ?

    I guess NOP ! don't U?

    Of course it's possible. Use comma and space between searching tags.
