Looking for specific NSFW wallpaper

Posts: 4 · Views: 695
  • 14299

    Hi! I have misplaced my copy of this wallpaper and I can't seem to find it again. I've tried many other sites without luck. Here goes.

    The Model is #{Julia Crown} aka Tindra Mantel

    The wallpaper itself is from the same set as [01mmy1].

    On the picture, she is standing by the bed, naked, and it bent over the bed, like she's searching for something that's on it.

    Anyone knows of this wall's whereabouts? Or has it and is willing to share?

    Thanks :)

    Edit: So far, I've tried looking here (obviously), nik bot, ftop and google images. No luck :/

    Last updated
  • 14303

    Exactly! Without the banner of course but yes!

    Looked on that website and found it! It's too small to upload here though.

    Thanks a bunch anyway! :)

    EDIT: I found a bigger version with Tineye and it looked great so I uploaded it here for everyone :)

    NSFWYou need to be logged in to view this wallpaper.

    Last updated
  • 14306

    Brobafett said:> I found a bigger version with Tineye and it looked great so I uploaded it here for everyone :)

    I'm glad I could help. Good work with finding higher resolution :)
