I would appreciate any help with adding name tags for these women

Posts: 12 · Views: 756
  • 12422

    If you're bored or like adding name tags for women you want to see more of, I started a Favorites Folder called "Name?"

    You can find it here.

    I'll try to clean it frequently and post what's been named later on in this thread.

    Every name that gets added makes me feel like this

    Last updated
  • 12436

    I've tried putting names to these ladies in the past and it's really quite challenging. Many of these are easy to find with a simple google search for the photographer's 500px or Flickr profile. The problem is that most of the photographers who own these images don't give their models proper credit. Some only give their first name and creating tags with just a first name is against the rules unless professionally they really only go by one name. That's difficult to prove in most of these cases. You'd have to be able to find them under whatever modelling agency's website they work with.

    I went through all 6 pages and could only put a name to 3:

    3888 x 259218
    1920 x 108040
    NSFWYou need to be logged in to view this wallpaper.

    Btw, this one

    1050 x 157588
    already has a name. She goes by #Madzilla, real name Madelyn Lance. The tag creator should've added that as an alias.

    Anyway, I like to think that our uploaders are putting in their due diligence and tagging with a model name whenever possible. It's up to the photographer to provide them with one. :)

  • 12439


    I just went through all of them this morning before seeing your response and noticed the added names :). Thanks

    Btw, this one... already has a name. She goes by Madzilla, real name Madelyn Lance. The tag creator should've added that as an alias. Anyway, I like to think that our uploaders are putting in their due diligence and tagging with a model name whenever possible. It's up to the photographer to provide them with one. :)

    Thanks for the info on Madzilla/Madelyn Lance.

    That was my initial assumption about the nameless models- most of them tend to have a tag for the photographer which, in terms of finding more of the model is a decent compromise; but it's super shitty that so many of them don't give the model credits in the caption on their profiles... (the photographer that is)

    Anyway, thanks for trying- I think I'm going to keep the walls that still don't have name tags in the folder for now- if anything, just for my own organizational purposes or if I'm ever bored enough to do some serious searching of my own.

  • 12440

    1366 x 76817
    ... I'm... no... I'm not there... x)

  • 12466

    Interesting. I will try my best.

    I'm starting from bottom page so you now where to look.

    EDIT: Gone through page 6, added source and some names.

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  • 12610

    Thanks Obseek for identifying the lady in this photo

    1500 x 99559
    as Eka Homovec!

    Thanks to whoever identified the ladies in these photos

    1920 x 128052
    2560 x 144031
    as Shay Maria and Katarina Ivanovska respectively.

    This photo

    1800 x 120052
    was tagged with the name 'Lisa'... I was able to locate the website for the modeling agency that represents her which lists her name as Lisa Bournine.

  • 12619

    I did the Shay Maria one twice actually. The first time right after it was uploaded then again after it showed up in your collection. Somebody disagreed with me. lol

    A lot of the ones I can't find names for I at least try to find their source on 500px or flickr. I don't know much about figuring out what modeling agency represents them. I'm pretty much limited to reverse image search 90% of the time. Some of the modeling agency sites I checked didn't list their last names either.

    I realized that not crediting the model with a full name is probably for their protection when posting these images on public sites. If you were a professional, though, it probably wouldn't be hard to find out with the right connections.

    EDIT: Why is this in your collection?

    2048 x 136540PNG
    I'd already tagged it Enji Night.

    Last updated
  • 12622

    No problemo, it's kinda fun searching for source. But it is time consuming, When I find names with no surname, I just add source instead.

  • 12630


    Why is this in your collection?

    2048 x 136540PNG
    I'd already tagged it #Enji night

    Apologies. I didn't actually click on that tag because I didn't think it was the name of the woman in cosplay but rather some other reference to the character being cosplayed. I've removed it. Thanks!

  • 15767


    Dunno if you were prompted by this post or not - regardless, thank you for adding the Anita Roncari tag.

    My interest was peaked by this WP

    2048 x 136397

  • 15773

    StareCat Yeah no problem. I actually forgot that post was there.. might have to check it out again and see if I find any new names.
