Wallbase EXIF

Posts: 5 · Views: 225
  • 7118

    So, WallBase veterans, did WallBase preserve EXIF metadata in the wallpapers? This wall vrty.org/image/vtytkaaqc2 cites wallbase as source, and has metadata that marks editing with CS4 in 2010. And, that the image was captured in 2009 :) Also, can anyone find a source? Smaller image: wallhaven.cc/wallpaper/240867

    Last updated
  • 7128

    Why is your url's pointed to 'alpha.wallhaven.cc/forums/thread/"your.url"'. I think we just found another bug.

  • 7174

    @dwemer said:

    Why is your url's pointed to 'alpha.wallhaven.cc/forums/thread/"your.url"'. I think we just found another bug.

    Because he didn't include 'http://' in his URLs, which is why they are interpreted as relative by the browser. Not a bug, just natural behaviour. ^^

  • 7284

    So Gandalf, did Wallbase preserve metadata? And you are pretty natural yourself too :-*

  • 8242

    alzz said:

    Also, can anyone find a source?

    I guess not... I'm bummed. I wanted to pull off the investigation. All I return with is a 3840x2400 version... [url]http://www.rhcapati.com.br/projects/kesia/img/bg.jpg[/url]... Sorry. :(

    Added 2016-04-29 15:50:21

    Actually, there's artifacting and suspect blurring. Probably just enlarged from lower res.
