
Posts: 9 · Views: 106
  • 6643

    @devonshires said:

    Hello friends, What about a rate+review feature? Maybe It'd be fun to rate and to post how we'd felt using that specific wallpaper. Cheers.

    Having pages to go with it would help too ( like the /untagged page, but for lowest/highest rated ) Rating would also help a bit toward finding the low quality pictures to remove them, if enough people use the rating system (and are honest about the ratings they post)

  • 6677

    I'd support a feature like this.

  • 6678

    This is basically a comment section for each wallpaper. That has been turned down before, which IMO is a good thing. The "rate" idea would basically be a "top list" which is planned. higher the favs/likes, higher up in the top list it'll be (or depending what sort options will be available). Having a collective list of users "1-5 star" ratings seems mildly pointless. Unless you want it for searching "show me everything I tagged as 4 stars". But then you might aswell just fav the item to begin with.

  • 6679

    You make a good point sir. What I had envisioned when I came across this thread was a thumbs up/thumbs down type thing, simple yet effective.

  • 6680

    We have discussed whether to implement a simple up/down voting system, similar to how reddit works. It could definitely help us identify what kind of wallpapers people care about.

    Implementing it would be a fairly big task, so for now we're sticking with what we have. Maybe we'll come back to this in the future, but no promises!

    We definitely won't add wallpaper comments or a 5-star rating system (learning from youtube's mistakes :D).

  • 6685

    How is a comment section a mistake? just wondering.

  • 6688

    go look at the comments on youtube. or any news site. or any popular site that uses disqus. 92.632% of all people commenting are a$$holes (or idiots) to eachother. trolling. arguing. acting childish. And people will probably post in each image "how do i dl img?!?" instead of asking on the forum or using common sense to rightclick->save as. Also, it increases the amount of spam, especially as this site grows in popularity. unless they implement some really good anti-spam system.

    Last updated
  • 6691

    Not to mention all the creepy comments the porn will get. Just look at r/gonewild over on reddit... Cesspool.

  • 6692

    Allright, got your point, thanks for answering!
