Favorites Downloader (From wallbase)

Posts: 3 · Views: 299
  • 6644

    Anyone else remember this program? It simply downloaded all of the wallpapers in one(or more) of your favorites collection to a folder on your computer instead of having to manually save each individual photo. Would be awesome if someone made one for wallhaven too! Or if this was a feature added to the site itself so no external program was needed Unless it already exists and i haven't found it yet.. if that's the case please let me know!

  • 6648

    Currently this feature doesn't exist on our site because we don't have the resources to support it. Mass downloads would put a heavy load on our server and might impact performance for everybody using the site. The same would be the case if people started using external programs to scrape our site in that way.

    We may offer it in the future but it might be a while.

  • 6649

    Ahh never thought of that. Well hopefully it is added, but sounds like it would take a lot more than I imagined. I'm sure you guys have a lot more important things to focus on first anyway. Thanks for the reply~
