So about this AI Art stuff

Posts: 125 · Views: 26059
  • 31117

    Happy to announce the first actual update to the site in almost a year! Shame I had to break the streak.

    We are now filtering AI Art out by default for all users.

    Check the AI Art filter in the search bar to enable/disable on the fly, or for our registered users, feel free to enable/disable the setting from your browsing settings.

    Due to the way subscriptions work, AI art (and any other blacklisted tags/users) will still show in your subscriptions if the wallpaper is tagged with another tag you're subscribed to. I am planning on reworking how subscriptions work, but no ETAs or promises just yet. I would strongly suggest only subscribing to tags that are unique enough that you might otherwise miss them. Generic tags that get hundreds of new uploads a week are not a good fit for the subscriptions. Anyone who's had their subscriptions page break, this is why!

    I also updated our rules to include a few AI related changes. Key changes are:

    • AI art generated with the same or similar prompts now classify as a part of a set. No more than 5 variations are allowed.
    • All uploads containing AI generated content MUST be tagged with AI art. Users who fail to tag their uploads correctly will lose their uploading privileges.

    Now as far as my stance on all of this: I strongly dislike AI art. I'm hopeful that this is a fad that will pass as people get bored. Adding these filters does not mean I'm endorsing AI art. A ban on it isn't yet off the table, we'll see how everyone feels with the new filter.

    Please let us know in this thread what you think, or if you have any other issues.

    As always, thanks for sticking around!

  • 31120

    I don't know why all the hate to AI art, this is not a page dedicated specifically to artists but to sharing wallpapers. The filters are nice, but the new upload limits are ridiculous.

  • 31122

    It's a good decision to try and contain it (just like limiting photoshoot pictures of real people, just so this website doesn't get flooded with them). Know that AI art of bad quality and doesn't adhere to other standard rules would still be reported (and/or deleted), so that 'safety measure' is also still in place to prevent mass wallpaper collections.

    A little personal praise: despite you dislike AI art, you still give people the option to upload and view it (giving people the freedom, even though you are the owner and you could simply cut off AI art altogether: which is a very good personal trait in my opinion).

  • 31123

    Although I am not very fond of AI art either, it is correct for the uploader to indicate the AI art tag and hand over the option to filter AI art to the user

  • 31124

    好好好!之前一打开toplist满眼低创ai色图真的难绷 Wise decision. Don't have to make do with quantities of low quality NSFW AI pictures anymore.

  • 31125

    DrXaMadness said:

    the new upload limits are ridiculous.

    The limits are there to prevent flooding and spam on the Latest page.

  • 31128

    The main message i get from this is that AI, no matter how it's used, is not welcomed on Wallhaven.

    I could understand such a policy on, say, Artstation.. because it's a website dedicated to showcasing portfolios and finding jobs in the industry etc... If a wallpaper looks cool i don't care how it was made. Or if it's art or not. Same for the wallpapers i make for my own use.

    Just a side note : it's only a matter of a few years before you can't tell if a picture is 10%, 50% or even 100% AI generated... And i'm not only talking about open source AI generators trained on copyrighted material (Adobe Firefly is a first example, many more will follow). The irony is that you will probably have to resort to AI algorithms to detect AI art eventually... Or maybe you'll start banning things arbitrarily because you "think" it uses untagged AI art ? Have fun with that...

  • 31133

    This decision is the greatest decision that I have seen.No worse AI drawing.

  • 31135

    A welcome change.

    The promise of AI is to generate images on demand. It makes little sense to host every attempt at art on a site like this.

  • 31136

    velopioche said:

    The main message i get from this is that AI, no matter how it's used, is not welcomed on Wallhaven.

    I could understand such a policy on, say, Artstation.. because it's a website dedicated to showcasing portfolios and finding jobs in the industry etc... If a wallpaper looks cool i don't care how it was made. Or if it's art or not. Same for the wallpapers i make for my own use.

    Just a side note : it's only a matter of a few years before you can't tell if a picture is 10%, 50% or even 100% AI generated... And i'm not only talking about open source AI generators trained on copyrighted material (Adobe Firefly is a first example, many more will follow). The irony is that you will probably have to resort to AI algorithms to detect AI art eventually... Or maybe you'll start banning things arbitrarily because you "think" it uses untagged AI art ? Have fun with that...

    You don't care how it's done, personally I do. I love and respect the work of artists, I'm fascinated by what they are able to do. It's not the same thing for me to see a work drawn by an artist and a generation based on a prompt.

    Yes it's a website for wallpapers, but that doesn't mean we have to upload anything. There are rules to avoid things that we judge to be without value and seeing the reaction of people, it seems that the majority agrees to have rules for AI.

    We could discuss the future of AI for a long time, but right now, it's still relatively easy to tell the difference and it's annoying for many people for various reasons. Anyway, nothing is definitive, opinion will change as AI and artist evolve.

  • 31138

    It's a good decision, Although I'm AI art user, but I like here, like beautiful wallpaper, and also want to try to make beautiful wallpaper to share with people who may like it, thanks.

  • 31141

    These pictures were beautiful to some extent, but the whole site was filled with AI Art. When I went to the hot category to find a good image for my background, it was all AI art, AI art, AI art, .... I was going crazy. Being able to choose whether AI art is shown to us or not is a very good thing in my opinion.

  • 31142

    Finally waiting for this feature, it was the right decision. I don't hate AI art at first, but it becomes very annoying when they appear in large numbers! AI only pieces together various label elements, each image is different but seems to be the same every image. True art should come from life, not from the forced patchwork of symbols. True artists do not art for art's sake, do not produce pictures for pictures

  • 31143

    Thank you! Great changes

  • 31145

    AI generated images are not art and should be banned.

  • 31146

    Excellent, I was hoping a filter for AI "art" would be implemented, for me AI art isn't art at all and I wouldn't mind if it gets permanently banned as those AI "artists" are spamming their "art" everywhere now, filters are very much needed.
