Interesting Observation

Posts: 4 · Views: 128
  • 34737

    as of 02/23/2024 - 00:05, Looks like there are 37,002,277 views for the tag "boobs" than the tag "ass" but there are 932 more subscribers for "boobs" than "ass"

    so does the community prefer boobs or ass?

  • 34738

    Both of them jiggle. so no need to favor one over the other.

  • 34976

    Perhaps the most penetrating conclusion that could be drawn from your observations is that those Team Boobs are more ardent in their affections, but also more simple-minded, opting to search for the objects of their desire manually, without regard for the time and effort involved. Those on Team Ass could in contrast be characterized as more methodical, leveraging the tools they have on hand to drill down and ensure that they not miss any worthy specimens, in perhaps the best tradition of "work smarter, not harder."

    I'm reminded of a parable an old-timer once told me that seems applicable here…

    Two bulls are walking about one morning through the woods on their way to a new pasture, one of them quite young and the other much older. As they emerge from the woods they find themselves at the crest of a ridgeline, and in the pasture below is a herd of some of the healthiest, best-pedigreed cows from all over the world, and such a variety of breeds that some they had only heard of before, but never seen in the flesh.


    "Can you believe your eyes, old timer?!?," exclaimed the young bull to his veteran companion. "Let's run down this hill and each take one of those fine heifers to Pound Town before they know what hit 'em!"


    "Aye, that would be one approach, I reckon," said the old bull, with a hint of amusement in his voice. "But it if were up to me, I think I'd just walk down there real calm-like, maybe ask one of 'em what they thought of the op-ed in this morning's Moo York Times, and see if by sundown I wasn't able to fvck every last one of 'em."

    Who's to say which bull's lust was stronger on that morning? I, for one, couldn't, though I certainly see the wisdom in the elder bull's approach.

    I think it's also fair to observe that while certainly there are as many variations found among asses as amongst boobs, the former may be at somewhat of a disadvantage due to a lack of vernacular terms in common use to describe them. For instance, I've encountered in my life, at best, maybe three or four people who proudly declared their preference for a petite rump, while the number of those unabashedly titillated by the sight of the more plump and "juicy" variety have been too numerous to count. By comparison, every man and some women of my acquaintance seems to have a definition of what constitutes the "ideal rack," some even down to a singular cup size of brassiere. This is observable too in the variations seen in the tag cloud for those describing breasts vs. those for asses. Behold…

    …and those are just the big Kahunas of the bunch! Ass came to this linguistic battle wholly at a disadvantage with, other than the eponymous tag, only thick ass and bubble butt finding any traction, themselves with a paltry 5.4m views/445 subscribers and 4.1m views/677 subscribers respectively. Perhaps the question this should be prompting is not one comparing the commitment of these two opposing factions, but why society at large has yet to coin as many creative and evocative terms to reference the full spectrum of asses! Only once that is accomplished could we hope to gain any deeper insight into what no doubt is a yawning vacuum of study.

    Unironically, in the "either-or" premise of your question, I should also confess that I, too, am a card-carrying member of Team Ass. Coincidence? Perhaps, but I think not… 😉

  • 35062

    RogueScholar said:

    Perhaps the most penetrating conclusion that could be drawn from your observations is that those Team Boobs are more ardent in their affections, but also more simple-minded, opting to search for the objects of their desire manually, without regard for the time and effort involved. Those on Team Ass could in contrast be characterized as more methodical, leveraging the tools they have on hand to drill down and ensure that they not miss any worthy specimens, in perhaps the best tradition of "work smarter, not harder."

    I'm reminded of a parable an old-timer once told me that seems applicable here…

    Two bulls are walking about one morning through the woods on their way to a new pasture, one of them quite young and the other much older. As they emerge from the woods they find themselves at the crest of a ridgeline, and in the pasture below is a herd of some of the healthiest, best-pedigreed cows from all over the world, and such a variety of breeds that some they had only heard of before, but never seen in the flesh.


    "Can you believe your eyes, old timer?!?," exclaimed the young bull to his veteran companion. "Let's run down this hill and each take one of those fine heifers to Pound Town before they know what hit 'em!"


    "Aye, that would be one approach, I reckon," said the old bull, with a hint of amusement in his voice. "But it if were up to me, I think I'd just walk down there real calm-like, maybe ask one of 'em what they thought of the op-ed in this morning's Moo York Times, and see if by sundown I wasn't able to fvck every last one of 'em."

    Who's to say which bull's lust was stronger on that morning? I, for one, couldn't, though I certainly see the wisdom in the elder bull's approach.

    I think it's also fair to observe that while certainly there are as many variations found among asses as amongst boobs, the former may be at somewhat of a disadvantage due to a lack of vernacular terms in common use to describe them. For instance, I've encountered in my life, at best, maybe three or four people who proudly declared their preference for a petite rump, while the number of those unabashedly titillated by the sight of the more plump and "juicy" variety have been too numerous to count. By comparison, every man and some women of my acquaintance seems to have a definition of what constitutes the "ideal rack," some even down to a singular cup size of brassiere. This is observable too in the variations seen in the tag cloud for those describing breasts vs. those for asses. Behold…

    …and those are just the big Kahunas of the bunch! Ass came to this linguistic battle wholly at a disadvantage with, other than the eponymous tag, only thick ass and bubble butt finding any traction, themselves with a paltry 5.4m views/445 subscribers and 4.1m views/677 subscribers respectively. Perhaps the question this should be prompting is not one comparing the commitment of these two opposing factions, but why society at large has yet to coin as many creative and evocative terms to reference the full spectrum of asses! Only once that is accomplished could we hope to gain any deeper insight into what no doubt is a yawning vacuum of study.

    Unironically, in the "either-or" premise of your question, I should also confess that I, too, am a card-carrying member of Team Ass. Coincidence? Perhaps, but I think not… 😉

    What a good answer, you're good, dude)
