Tatted, ripped up GUYS please.

Posts: 8 · Views: 345
  • 3315

    There has been tags for men or #male since this site began. There is no discrimination against wallpapers with men. It just relies upon the users to upload them.

    Last updated
  • 3317

    I think he's mostly addressing the community. But yeah, you have to search for “male” instead of “men” if you're looking for ripped dudes.

    I always found this beauty here fascinating :D [49dm6w] Edit: I just added erection, feel free to suggest aliases xD

    Also I'm surprised that we apparently don't have any Yaoi

    Last updated
  • 3396

    Probably most users of wallhaven are men.. Personally I don't like that idea. There shouldn't be any NSFW wallpapers of men.

  • 3402

    Even if most users are men, the female users deserve what they want just as much as anyone. We want the site to appeal to as many people as possible. If you do not want to see certain wallpapers, you can add tags to your blacklist under the browsing settings in your profile.

    Last updated
  • 3416

    I have to say I fully agree with JB00GIE. No one is forcing you to look at certain wallpapers. I think FuriouZ should learn to be more accepting. I don't personally search for NSFW wallpapers of men, but it wouldn't bother me in the slightest to come across them.

  • 3466

    This is outrageous!

    We have tags for both men and #male?!

    Last updated
  • 3490

    Technically #male could have included male animals, since it's just an adjective…

  • 3495

    I suppose, but I did take a look at it and it seemed to be used for pretty much the same stuff. Merging being back is going to rustle all kinds of jimmies...
