Who tf uses BDSM wallpapers

Posts: 9 · Views: 409
  • 33900

    Well… people who are really into kink, or whose business revolve around it. I don’t know, I don’t care, I don’t judge people based on their aesthetic choices or personal preferences.

  • 33901

    ik i don't care ether but I still am curious why they use it as a big backround personaly me if i used them i would have it be smaller

  • 34084

    Maybe this wallpapers can be used by those who don't live in a house with their parents or with religious wife...

  • 34086

    I mean, you could also ask "WHO USES ANIME WALLPAPERS I KNOW 0 PEOPLE WHO DO".

    Just because you don't know any doesn't mean there aren't people around that use them and like looking at that stuff. Different strokes for different folks and all that.

  • 34090

    The same people who use shibari backpacks probably.

  • 34091

    lumberjacck said:

    The same people who use shibari backpacks probably.

    That sounds super cool. Will totally look them up.
