I mistagged, how can I find those?

Posts: 3 · Views: 106
  • 33467

    I recently discovered a specific tag. I must have mistagged severl dozenz of pics with something similar but (I now know) wrong. I'd like to find those I mistagged and correct them. However there are a almost 300 pages with the "wrong" tag and I can't go and check them all. Is there some easy (non-admin) way to discover which pics I tagged with what tag? If that information is even recorded (who added a tag to a picture). On the profile page there is the number of tags I made but that could just be a total number incremented every time, without any detail in the database. Or even a filter for "already seen" or "in one of my collections" in the image search would help. Maybe that could be a feature request.

  • 33500

    What's the tag name? Community effort can help fix it as well

  • 33548

    I tagged a bunch of ladies with body hair, correct would have been vellus hair. Didn't know the term, while in my mother language there is an similar one. Nothing really bad but maybe you know the itch some people get in the back of the brain when you know you made a fixable error but didn't fix it yet.

    Added 2 minutes after

    But now I see: the general search for body hair gives a lot of matches, while the search for #body hair filtered without Anime not. Missed the difference. I'm fixing it now.
