Wallpapers - Wallhaven Fan's

Posts: 11 · Views: 648
  • 3082

    Hey guys! Welcome!

    I invite you to use their creativity and create wallpapers with the name of wallhaven


    1680 x 105015PNG
    1680 x 10509PNG

    Express the love and passion they have for this great community... Regards!

  • 3089

    threw this together a few weeks ago

    1920 x 108014PNG

  • 3098

    I would love if someone made a Wallhaven wallpaper i can use as an avatar for the @WallhavenXtra twitter. The current one is taken from a wallpaper, but is not visible in small sizes.

  • 3102

    lezboyd said:

    I would love if someone made a Wallhaven wallpaper i can use as an avatar for the @WallhavenXtra twitter. The current one is taken from a wallpaper, but is not visible in small sizes.

    what measures?

  • 3106

    Any that is clearly visible as twitter avatar

  • 3192


    Thanks, its done. Kinda hard to read still, in the smaller image in the top bar, but looks better than the old one.
