Question about "Abandon upload" / delete old version / replace

Posts: 10 · Views: 191
  • 31654


    So currently I'm in the process of uploading upscaled & adjusted versions of all of my past wallpapers.

    My past creations were not only in low resolution (1920x1080), but also had some contrast artifacts & not-visible parts (too dark)

    I now want to adjust my whole library to some decent standard (upscaled to 3840x2160, pure 0 0 0 black background, no contrast-specific edges, more visible contours, adjusted lightning)

    There is a problem however: I cannot delete old uploads. I can only abandon them

    Abandon option states: "After you have abandoned a wallpaper you will no longer appear as its uploader. Are you sure you want to abandon this upload?"

    So here's the question: Will abandoning upload remove it after some time?

    If not, is there an option to somehow replace old upload with a new one?

    If not, is it possible to request wallhaven staff to remove specified (my own) wallpapers?

    Reason: Since these are mostly upscales with slight adjustments I have a problem during uploading with "similar version found, 90%+ match" which means I cannot upload a new file. Also I don't want to spam "Search for similar..." section

  • 31662

    +1 I would also like a delete / re-upload feature.

  • 31674

    Me three. All of the above. There are several Walls I'd like to replace with better versions.

  • 31789


    I assumed posting a question on forum will be a better way than dm-ing administration... well, needless to say, it did not achieve anything.

    Guess I'll get back to it after posting 6th version of some pic and breaking the "5 per session" rule?

  • 31790

    If you really find a better version of a wallpaper you already uploaded upload the new one and report the old one. If you abandon it, it will still remain uploaded.

  • 31791

    lumberjacck said:

    If you really find a better version of a wallpaper you already uploaded upload the new one and report the old one. If you abandon it, it will still remain uploaded.

    Question: Is it possible to bypass the automatic "similarity" filter, specially for minimal details (like outlines, grain effects, jpg artifacts, effects/filters, etc...)?

  • 31797

    If the difference is big enough, yes. Or if they are of significantly different resolution.

  • 32821

    I already reported my wallpapers for deletion but that was about years ago, it still says my wallpapers have been reported, but they are still public.

  • 32822

    BoostedMusic said:

    I already reported my wallpapers for deletion but that was about years ago, it still says my wallpapers have been reported, but they are still public.

    Just one wallpaper been reported by you and it is deleted now. You are welcome ;)

  • 32823

    kejsirajbek said:

    BoostedMusic said:

    I already reported my wallpapers for deletion but that was about years ago, it still says my wallpapers have been reported, but they are still public.

    Just one wallpaper been reported by you and it is deleted now. You are welcome ;)

    I thought I reported all of my wallpapers, but thanks!
