I think the mods don't understand their own rules

Posts: 8 · Views: 120
  • 32761

    So, if you go to upload rules, this is the first rule:

    1. Sexual content and other overly sexual images are all strictly prohibited. Details... Sexual content includes: Masturbation, oral sex, sex toys, penetration, bodily fluids, etc. Closeups of genitals, focus on genitals. Overly sexual posing: Spread legs, bent over nude, hands on genitals, 'presenting' genitals, stretching/gaping of genitals, etc. Child pornography (including lolicon/shotacon).

    Now here's where the problem lies:

    lolicon/shotacon is clearly stated as part of "child pornography" meaning only the pictures with loli/shotas that are PORNOGRAPHIC should be under this category, not all pictures with petite characters.

    This is how I understand this rule: You cannot post any children/loli/shota characters with the explicit representation of sexual activity, representation of sexual behavior or showing sexual acts, especially naked.

    It seems, however, that some of the mods use this to delete images that have nothing to do with pornography, simply because (I assume) they dislike loli tag in general.

    So why am I writting all of this? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fxqCnlFpvR72YAHpw9wFp6CP7Y05yTD_/view?usp=sharing (original WH code: 7plgde) This is the picture I had removed cause of apparently having a loli character in a pornographic/sexual situation... ... ... where? No nudity, no suggestive posing, no acts of sexual activity....

    better yet https://i.imgur.com/cf3HACZ.png apparently WH is not the place for content like this....but give it a 30 second scroll over the main page and you will find a dozen of pictures with younger-looking characters in much skimpier outfits or suggestive poses.

    So may I ask, why was this one deleted? Where is the pornographic element in my upload? And are you sure all of your staff are on the same page?

    Sincerely, Silriti

    PS: I tried uploading a "censored" version (basically covered half the pic under removal notification), yet it still got removed. PS2: Can you please make it so that removal notificatons have the name of administration member who removed it so we know which staff member do we need to "contact immediately"

    Last updated
  • 32762


    I think it's because the carrot looks like a phallic symbol. Even though I'm not gay, I wanted a bite of that big carrot. Plus the tight clothes (Purity: Sketchy) look like it's from a burlesque show.

    I think you can upload removed walls to your google drive (or to other wallpapers sharing site) and write the link in your profile as MrDraper does.


    +1 for chat window with mod in removal notifications

  • 32763

    I think you can upload removed walls to your google drive

    That does sound like a good idea, thanks.

    I think it's because the carrot looks like a phallic symbol

    So I went to check the tag what's it about (ye I didn't know what it meant) and, with a random sorting, these all appeared on a single WH page (which is like...60-80 wallpapers per page): [NSWF warning] https://wallhaven.cc/w/3kv52y https://wallhaven.cc/w/5dkez8 https://wallhaven.cc/w/6kko36 https://wallhaven.cc/w/dgokdg https://wallhaven.cc/w/9m3j21 And....well except for the last one which I just added for the carrot, all of them have characters both younger and in much MUCH more sexual situations.... so again if those are ok my upload should also get a pass no?

    And to add to that, I did the 30 seconds scrolling I mentioned and hey, wouldn't you know it, these are all from today and were also apparently completely fine. And I don't think the one I posted is "more loli" than those, if the reason for removal trully was body type. https://i.imgur.com/v0eiyBo.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/gBqns76.jpeg

    So again, it seems like there are some members of moderation team that agree these are ok, and some that do not. Makes it really hard to follow rules when even the staff can't agree what's what.

    PS: Just for clarification, I posted all of those as example of what is OK. I do not think any of them should be removed and I do not want them removed. I only posted those to show that they don't break any rules and some mods knew that, and as they don't break them so didn't my upload.

  • 32764

    Silriti It has happened here that a wallpaper that was uploaded several years ago can be removed even today. So I think the moderator will just remove wallpapers from the list you gave, not restore your wallpaper. So I just reupload my removed wallpapers to other sites. ¯\(ツ)

  • 32765

    Hmmm, if that's the case then it feels like uploading here is kinda like a lottery. Guess I'll try uploading that same wallpaper some other day, maybe in the morning during workweek? Since getting removed is like a gacha game now where you roll moderators who knows, I might get a SSR then and it will stay up and unremoved. (that or I'll just uppload it rotated 180 I dunno)

    But yeah in the end, if they want to remove wallpapers like these they should change from:

    Sexual content and other overly sexual images are all strictly prohibited. Details... Sexual content includes: Masturbation, oral sex, sex toys, penetration, bodily fluids, etc. Closeups of genitals, focus on genitals. Overly sexual posing: Spread legs, bent over nude, hands on genitals, 'presenting' genitals, stretching/gaping of genitals, etc. Child pornography (including lolicon/shotacon).


    Sexual content and other overly sexual images are all strictly prohibited. Details... Sexual content includes: Masturbation, oral sex, sex toys, penetration, bodily fluids, etc. Closeups of genitals, focus on genitals. Overly sexual posing: Spread legs, bent over nude, hands on genitals, 'presenting' genitals, stretching/gaping of genitals, etc. Child pornography including: nudity, pornographic imagery, sensual, sexual and suggestive content, skimpy clothing, etc. Lolicon/Shotacon including: nudity, pornographic imagery, sensual/sexual/suggestive content, skimpy clothing, etc.

    Then I would understand the reasoning behind removal. And frankly, being specific that basically everything even slightly sexual concerning real children is bad could be an upgrade for the rules, but then we enter the discussion of "should fictional characters be treated like real people (in this case children)" and oh boy is that a topic for another day...

  • 32766

    Wallhaven has hundreds of thousands of images. There are dozens of illegal/inappropriate images depicting underage characters on the site that have not been deleted yet because they have not yet been found and reported.

    If you find one that has been reported but not deleted yet, a moderator just hasn't gotten to it in the queue.

    Just because a sexually suggestive/explicit lolicon pic hasn't been reported yet does NOT mean the moderators condone its presence. It means no one has made them aware of it yet.

  • 32767

    Just because a sexually suggestive/explicit lolicon pic hasn't been reported yet does NOT mean the moderators condone its presence. It means no one has made them aware of it yet.

    But again, unless it's straight up pornography, according to the rules they should not be deleted in the first place (okay at least the for suggestive part, explicit imagery of sexual kind can be considered too much indeed). That was the reason I made this post - rules are unclear on that front.

  • 32769

    just like what mcswan said to me in this thread.

    It can be subjective at times, but i totally agree with you about the rules, they tried to make them short and simple, because nobody would like to read a wall of text, but more clarification is sure needed.
