A Memorial to WallHaven

Posts: 6 · Views: 220
  • 31915

    So, as an average man(not so normal now that I think about it) looking at random corners of the internet, I'm curious as to how this website has done over its fascinating lifespan and am quite frankly baffled that this still has a userbase when there's more significant stuff like deviant art and the likes

    Of the people that have been here practically since the start(if there's any left), what was your favorite drawing/art piece that has shown up? What were the ups and downs of this grand hidden corner of the infinitesimally small part of the internet?

    Say anything that comes to mind if you want to honor the past of this hole-in-the-wall ramen shop of a website and please tell me of its grandeur even if you are just a newbie like me that has just found this place, I want to know and see what the dwellers of this website have to show for a person like me saying "hey I could use a wallpaper" or something way greater than "just a wallpaper"

    Use this thread to shitpost, or show off a once-in-a-lifetime Digital Art Masterpiece or whatever comes to mind because I would truly love to see it even if it's just pixel art of an apple crisps bag.

  • 31916

    Not a specific image, but I really liked the time when 3D art became accessible to average artists and it blew up. I still have many wallpapers from that time saved! What about yourself bro?

  • 31917

    Some of the earliest wallhaven wallpapers:

    1680 x 105052

    1920 x 120016

    1680 x 105049

  • 31918

    c3z66 said:

    Not a specific image, but I really liked the time when 3D art became accessible to average artists and it blew up. I still have many wallpapers from that time saved! What about yourself bro?

    There are quite a couple that I found recently that is just beautiful to the point that it's unbelievable but ill only do a few (couldn't figure out how to add the images)






    and these are just a couple that I've found recently, there's sure to be way more that are just as amazing

  • 31920

    TeddaTheMan said:

    couldn't figure out how to add the images

    "Thumbnail" field in the "Properties" section on wallpaper's page contains the embed code for the preview for this forum, copy code from the desired wallpaper and paste it into the message text.

  • 31938

    So THAT's how you embed images! I've been wondering that for years!

    1600 x 12005
