[Windows App] Wallhaven Downloader V2

Posts: 17 · Views: 1216
  • 23265

    Main Screenshot

    Second version of Wallhaven downloader with scope on batch downloading. Supports everything that can be queried through API: Search, User collections (Favorites), Filters

    Ratios and Resolutions format is: WxH, ex: 16x9, 1920x1080

    Be careful with threading, value more than 4 is not recommended

    Feedback and Bugreports much appreciated.

    Current version: v1.0.5

    Source code

    Download here

    Last updated
  • 23266


    This looks interesting, can you give a little explanation about how it works?

  • 23271

    Hann3577 said:


    This looks interesting, can you give a little explanation about how it works?

    It basically uses Wallhaven API to query images. It can either be used with, or without user authentication. Without authentication NSFW is inaccessible, though.

    Most of app UI is where filters and sorting (just like top bar in the site itself) located.

    The "Image source" section is where needed amount (leave empty if you want to download everything) of images is set, and search query specified (can be empty, just like at the site itself), also from there you can enable "User collection" mode. After "User collection" mode activation you must enter a username of target user, and press "Get collections" button to populate collections list, then select needed collection (to access private collection you, obviously, must authorize). Be aware that in "User collection" mode only purity filter is applied.

    After everything is set, simply press "Download" button and wait while images being downloaded. Download location can be changed by pressing respected button.

    This app is useful in cases where you already know what you need to download (like all or some amount of specific search request, or user collection) as there is no any preview.

    Last updated
  • 23288

    V1.0.2 has been released.

    What's new:

    • Fixed crash when no collection been selected despite being in "User collection" mode
    • Implemented random seed logic and input

    Source code


    Last updated
  • 23320

    It's not working for me :(

    I have got:

    "===WORK BEGIN=== Prepearing for download... This might take a while. (Images fetched at rate of 64/1.34s) Image source: Search Amount set to 637709 as it was 0"

    and downloader do nothing.

  • 23329

    Przemyslav said:

    It's not working for me :(

    I have got:

    "===WORK BEGIN=== Prepearing for download... This might take a while. (Images fetched at rate of 64/1.34s) Image source: Search Amount set to 637709 as it was 0"

    and downloader do nothing.

    It seems like you stuck at getting images URLs (well, technically, you not stuck at all, as it tells you, it'll might take a while. To be more specific: 637k images at a rate of 64 images / 1.34 second will give you 3.7h of fetching URLs, rather program not indicating that it doing something. I might add some indication in future.) Meanwhile you can either wait ~3.7h (might be little longer as it need some time to parse data too) or to set download amount to some low value, at 5-10k you might still wait a minute or two, and download them at smaller chunks.

    Anyway, as counter indicates, you decided to download entire wallhaven images database which is, probably, not as bright idea as you might think. I strongly advise you to use "Amount to download" field to set exact value of how much wallpapers do you need (or any other filtering parameter to cut amount of all available images to some reasonable number). I might probably add another warning if something like this is happening

    Last updated
  • 23346

    intel777 said:

    Przemyslav said:

    It's not working for me :(

    I have got:

    "===WORK BEGIN=== Prepearing for download... This might take a while. (Images fetched at rate of 64/1.34s) Image source: Search Amount set to 637709 as it was 0"

    and downloader do nothing.

    It seems like you stuck at getting images URLs (well, technically, you not stuck at all, as it tells you, it'll might take a while. To be more specific: 637k images at a rate of 64 images / 1.34 second will give you 3.7h of fetching URLs, rather program not indicating that it doing something. I might add some indication in future.) Meanwhile you can either wait ~3.7h (might be little longer as it need some time to parse data too) or to set download amount to some low value, at 5-10k you might still wait a minute or two, and download them at smaller chunks.

    Anyway, as counter indicates, you decided to download entire wallhaven images database which is, probably, not as bright idea as you might think. I strongly advise you to use "Amount to download" field to set exact value of how much wallpapers do you need (or any other filtering parameter to cut amount of all available images to some reasonable number). I might probably add another warning if something like this is happening

    Thank you :) I download amount to some low value = 2400 ;)

    intel777 can you add option which page i want to download?? For example: from 2 to 10 / 7568 total? :)

    Last updated
  • 23348

    Przemyslav said:

    intel777 can you add option which page i want to download?? For example: from 2 to 10 / 7568 total? :)

    Looks like another great idea to me. Will add in future updates.

    Meanwhile you can calculate pages yourself as Wallhaven returns 64 images / page, so if you want to download 2 pages simply multiply 64 by 2 to get 128, set 128 as your download amount.

    You can combine this with advanced parameter "page" if you want to download some range that does not starts with first page. Example: you want to download all from 4 to 8 page, you check "Enabled" in "Advanced" group box, set "Page" field to 4, then do the math 64*4 = 256, so you set download amount to 256.

  • 23604

    Hi, I like the program, but I have a problem. Tried to download my collection, but it downloads only from the first one. Despite I chose another. You can see it in the screenshot. No way it download choosen collection. The only way is to reorder collections in the website to make a collection that I want to download first in list, so it will appear first in program and will download it. Am I doing something wrong, or it doesn't work as expected? Thank you!

    Edit: also it just crashes when I try to download whole collection (60 images)


    Last updated
  • 23617

    v1.0.5 has been released.

    What's new:

    • Proper page limiter as wallhaven tends to return different amount of images per page in different circumstances
    • Fixed user collections selector not working
    • Fixed progress bar not updating while fetching target collection info
    • Fixed "429: Too many requests" while fetching target collection info

    Source code


    Added 1 minute after

    @TeareR, mentioned bugs has been fixed in new version release. Check it out.

  • 24370

    thank you for the nice software! it works perfectly

  • 30723

    Thanks mate for writing this lovely app, going to install it now! :)
