Wallhaven related wallpapers

Posts: 17 · Views: 1017
  • 2572

    Some cool stuff in wallhaven

    The background of the current start page:

    1920 x 120044

    This is a snapshot of the JS code that was live on the site at the time I uploaded it:

    1920 x 1080130PNG

  • 2635

    I'm not a big fan of the first one. All WallHaven is dark and only the home page is blue... Maybe a gorgeous/more beautiful background could be even more cool ! (That's my opinion) :). Anyways, the second one is epic :D. How do you solve an error in this non-indented code ? ^^

  • 2639

    I have a few ideas for the start page but they all are quite a bit of work. So for now it's blue, which I like a lot as well.

    The code doesn't look like that while we're working on it, our development files are all clean and tidy. The JavaScript and CSS (LESS) are then automatically run through an uglifier which removes as many unneeded characters as possible to reduce file size.

  • 2719

    Gandalf Why not bring back the hexagon style homepage like it was on wallbase? It was pretty cool

  • 2724

    I don't like recreating old designs.

  • 2731

    i threw something together in photoshop the other day because i was bored and needed something to do:

    1920 x 108014PNG

  • 2745

    This one amused me. I'm not sure if somebody hates the startpage (or all of wallhaven) that much or just wanted to have fun with pyro effects. :D [01mdj9]

  • 2810

    My first ever wallhaven related wallpaper ;) Quite simple & used default wallhaven background.

    1920 x 10806

  • 3020

    Talking about backgrounds, why not allow the user logged in to customize its own background when browsing the site...at their own risk of course.

    Though I wont change mine, black is the most beautiful color...or shade, whatever.

  • 3022

    remzaki There's gotta be a limit to how much customization we offer. Adding things like that just generates a lot of bloat that really isn't necessary. If somebody really, absolutely, positively cannot deal with the simple dark background we have, they can use something like stylish to change it for themselves.

  • 3031

    Cool!, should create a unique set of wallpapers dedicated to wallhaven... Gandalf Look!


  • 3032

    EstebanMitnick That's a cool background! Though that text in the bottom right throws the whole thing totally off balance.

  • 3070

    There's just something fun to visit a web page dedicated to listing and categorizing wallpapers from all over the world, only to then download and settle for a self-referencing wallpaper instead. :D

  • 3071

    Call me lazy but... what's the font used for the wallhaven title?
