Last movie you watched?

Posts: 174 · Views: 4081
  • 2754

    What was your last movie you watched? Maybe give a some feedback & rating ;)

    My last movie was Project Almanac , about a week ago.

    It was quite fun imo, smilliar to Project X. 8/10 from me

  • 2764

    Say Tomorrowland at the movies this past weekend, I liked it. Not one of the greatest movies ever, but it had cool effects, good characters (Athena!) and a decent story.

  • 2771

    Ex Machina (2015) 7/10

    It was a little slow paced for me, but it had some impressive visuals, and the basic story was pretty good. It reminded me of another film: The Machine (2013), which I enjoyed more.

  • 2791

    The Age of Adeline (2015)

    Not a bad movie. I wish they focused more on her living for a whole century, what she experienced, etc. Instead they focused more on finding love. Which is ok too, it is a romance after all. So I gave it a 6/10.

    Last updated
  • 2793

    Maggie (2015)

    Well this movie is the most recent one I watched, nothing specially captivating happened in the movie, but non the less it was a good one time watch, more so because I got to see Arnold be not Arnold. As for rating I would say watchable.

  • 2794

    Ninja Scroll (1993)

    Hella great movie that does not pull its punches. Nudity, sex, blood, lots of action, incredible style, but a bit of a silly plot as expected with this type of movie. Yoshiaki Kawajiri does incredible work.


  • 2799

    Me and a friend watched Zombeavers last night since we were in the mood for a bad horror movie. We certainly got it. Uhm...2/10 since I laughed a few times?

  • 2800

    "Jack Goes Boating (2010)" almost 10th time till now..... RIP all the great souls.

  • 2824

    Hmm let's see.

    Me and my friend have this thing where we watch the dumbest film (mainly disgusting stuff) we can find every week or so with the latest one being Human Centipede 3. I just really can't explain how stupid this film was. Sure, the gore was disgusting; but like, one of the main actors, the warden, was seriously one of the most retarded things I've seen on TV. You could argue and say he played his role well because of how bad, dumb and insane he was, he was good at it. The story in the end, and throughout the film was just silly too.

    On a serious note I watched Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) at the Imax in Birmingham. It was my first time at the Imax cinema and it was an amazing experience. The film was great, taking into consideration that I did not watch the previous one, probably 8/10 for me.

  • 2828

    Just saw San Andreas today. Lots of great looking destruction, as is common with disaster movies. Story was pretty typical, with the Rock playing the dad who is estranged from his wife and still trying to get over a tragedy in his past. Fun if you just want big screen chaos.

  • 2834

    Saw Predestination today. It took a really weird turn somewhere along the line, but goddamn what a good movie.

  • 2849

    TahMahn said:

    Saw Predestination today. It took a really weird turn somewhere along the line, but goddamn what a good movie.

    I saw that one a while back. I did not see that twist coming!

  • 2854

    I started watching San Andreas two days ago, but after 10 minutes, I had to stop, because it was so terrible. At the start, those house destroying effects were just awful.. (That's my opinion.) 2/10

    So, I started watching Ex-Machina.. I don't know, it wasn't for me. It got boring when main actor(i don't remember his name) found that Nathan is lying to him, but it was better than San Andreas.

    I agree with JB00GIE, The Machine (2013) was better, than Ex-Machina. There was more action and it wasn't a like a box film, Ex-Machina was most of the time inside of the house.. 5/10

  • 2855

    Kingsman secret service 9/10

  • 2857

    Händler der vier Jahreszeiten (1971) from Rainer Werner Fassbinder Plot:

    Hans is a street fruit peddler and born-loser. His choice of career upsets his bourgeois family, causing him to turn to drinking and violence. After recovering from a debilitating heart attack, his business finally begins to take off. However the more he becomes a credit to his family, the more depressed he becomes. One sociable day, while toasting his friends and family, he decides to drink himself to death.

    As you (probably) read the Synopsis, not the kind of Blockbuster-Stuff. He He. 6/10

  • 2870


    Quite funny and even more crazy and confusing. But a great performance by #

    1920 x 120034
    and Michael Keaton!


  • 2872

    Last movie I watched was The Hobbit - all three in a row. Reason being that I'm totally in love with with all three movies, and I had to make sure that my love also shared my passion for these movies.

  • 2883

    Watched two films yesterday, Snatch (2000); an old-ish favourite of mine, comedy and crime at the same time, 10/10 in that genre for me. Also, Edge of Tomorrow (2014), never expected it to be this good, since it was adapted from a manga, I assumed it was going to be butchered up, but no, it was amazing, 7/10 (7 because the ending was a bit meh)

  • 2884

    Just rewatched Con Air (1997), awesome movie. Why did Nicolas Cage ever stop starring in good movies? Also I just can't figure out what the meaning of Steve Buscemi's character is. Is he a free-running psycho in the end or is he miraculously ”healed”?

  • 2886

    Just watched Mad Max. One of the best movies ever made. I think that highly of it. The colors and scenes were just absolutely stunning. 10/10
