Can I remove hornier items from the sfw with some sort of mod

Posts: 7 · Views: 448
  • 27452

    I'm a guy and I'm quite religious and been on nofap for enough time that I am now devoted. I also really love this site but icl theres a bit too much 'horny' things that are too easily accessible when just scrolling through wallpapers. If there is any way to tone down the hornyness of the site or any other sites that I can go to which have as good of a UI and wallpaper selection. Any help or even development of something would be very helpful and if nothing can be done I understand

  • 27453

    You can add tags to your blacklist under the browsing setting, should help filtering out some of the garbage. Sadly you'll be relying on people tagging their things properly which means you'll still see some stuff and it also means some actually good stuff might get filtered out. For other sites you should try reddit honestly, a lot of different wallpaper oriented subreddits there and most of them are decently moderated. , for an example

    Last updated
  • 27455

    So there aren't really tools on the website that allows what you trying to do. Its more going to be how you use the website, and there are a few strategies I think you could use. also its going to depend on how much NSFW or Sketchy you want to see. If you don't want to see anything then probably step 1/2 will be alright. If you don't mind some Sketchy then the rest of the Suggestions here you could try.

    1) Firstly, the 'people' filter is the best starting point as it will filter most real humans in wallpapers, and since uploaders are forced to classify if the wallpaper is General/anime/people, this will be fairly accurately filter out humans. Obviously it will filter out normal SFW humans as well from movies or celebs etc.

    2) Second, obviously, the purity filter. This also has a flip side because NSFW does not only filter out naked women, it also filters out blood and gore etc. so if you wanted wallpaper like that, it will be filtered out. However its so little I would just rather turn off NSFW. You do also get quite 'horny' wallpapers under sketchy so depending on you, turn that also off. However, you could miss out on some cool artwork under Sketchy as well.

    3) Then as sannukas0016 mentioned, use backlists. It is sometimes double edged and dependent on people tagging correctly but it does help a lot. The key is to list proper tags to filter most of the really horny stuff. Go to the tags page [] and add a few of the most 'horny' tags on your list as a starting point. Also instead of just adding broad women tags, use specific tags that describe a women's naked body instead, this way it will not filter out sometimes good wallpapers. some tags: (ass , legs , pussy , vulva , naked body , vagina, pornstar , etc, you get the idea)

    4) Then my Next suggestion is to use subscriptions, Treat your subscription page more as a personal 'feed' instead of using the public lists (latest/hot/random etc) to discover wallpapers. It has its downsides, people don't always tag correctly but it comes again down to subscribing to the correct tags, and tags that interest you and tags that clearly will not be confused with a bare boob. You can subscribe to many many tags so much so that once you slowly build it up, your subscription page will be a long list of fresh wallpapers that interest you.

    5) Subscribe to uploaders and uploader's favorites. there are some awesome uploaders here that tend to stick to certain themes or styles, many of which are SFW, discover them over time. whenever you see a wallpaper you like, check who uploaded it and see what their profile is like and subscribe to their uploads if you see that they generally upload cool SFW walls. Then furthermore see what public favorites the uploaders have, usually the guys categorize them clearly and then subscribe to those. the nice part, all these subscriptions appear together in your subscription page. (Don't check my user page though) Some guys will upload Naked pornstars but under their favorites they have awesome normal wallpapers which they keep updated. So you could subscribe to just that users favorites and never see his naked uploads.

    So there are a few ways to weed it all out, it will take some time building up some good subscriptions and tags and blacklists etc.

    Just remember some always slip through the cracks , you will probably never be able to completely not see it. But the Website is awesome, I still cannot recommend another website for wallpapers, but that's my recommendations.

  • 27457

    Ight Boss u and the other commentor been a big help and ill definitely make sure to implement the stuff u provided man love from an anynonymous user
