Overly Sexual Content Policy Clarification

Posts: 1 · Views: 293
  • 27285

    Howdy y'all,

    Today's question entails requesting clarification on the Overly Sexual policy.

    If a user takes a high-definition image of hardcore porn between two people, but cuts off the image right before you would see the genitals penetrating, does this dodge the "Overly Sexual" rule? Or would it still qualify as such because it's intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer of what is happening in the image?


    I'm using the above image as an example, however I am not trying to defame or shame the uploader. This is just one of many examples I've seen on the site over the past few years and I was hoping to get more information from Wallhaven Supervision on this.

    (Note: Please directly reference me @Orgium on any replies, or the system won't notify me that someone has responded.)
