Tags Locked

Posts: 4 · Views: 250
  • 22924

    It is very annoying that some Users deletet all the Tags.

    When the Wallpapers are correctly tagged, it wood be cool when the tags will be "locked", so no one can remove, or delete any tags in the future anymore.

    I saw that some featured Walls already have locked tags.

    Locked tags for ALL Wallpapers please. Suggestion: Just starting with Page One and then moving forward.

    Just my Grain of Salt

    Thank you

  • 24369

    It is still annoying that Tags get permanently removed by Users. So when Users are Tagging Wallpapers correctly is pointless at this moment. Do something about it. Please.

    See you in 4 Months.............

  • 24372

    @WallpaperManiac said:

    It is still annoying that Tags get permanently removed by Users. So when Users are Tagging Wallpapers correctly is pointless at this moment. Do something about it. Please.

    See you in 4 Months.............

    I feel your pain dude.

  • 24387

    It's a hard thing to deal with. On one hand users may forget important tags such as a show/game/anime title, or the artist of the work, and other times they add completely unrelated tags to their walls. That's probably the main reason why regular users are not allowed to lock their own tags, and ultimately that's just one of the common issues that arises on aggregation and community driven sites like this.
