[NSFW] Male eye candy, or lack thereof...

Posts: 1 · Views: 424
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    Like the title suggests, there are not a whole lot of wallpapers on here that showcase men in all theor glory. As a bisexual person, i would also like to find some really nice wallpapers featuring the male body. Like, even searching woth the tag 'men' and sorting under sketcy/nsfw will show wallpapers with women as the focus and maybe the arm of a man.

    This is the most favorites, sketchy+nsfw, tagged "men" wallpaper

    NSFWYou need to be logged in to view this wallpaper.

    Out of 28 pages, the first wallpaper to prominently display a man is at the end of page 1(page size 32 images)

    NSFWYou need to be logged in to view this wallpaper.

    The first wallpaper with male nudity is on page 5 [49dm6w]

    How do i filter searches to find some male eye candy?
