[Android] Wallhaven Walpapers mobile app

Posts: 26 · Views: 1816
  • 19869

    Hi there. I'm creator of mobile app Wallhaven Walpapers. I create this topic to announce people which use app about some news and collect information about bugs or unexpected behaviour in app. All about app you can write here to help me improve it. Also, you can write me in Discord r3r#9685 but will be better if you use this topic or email (r3r.dev(at)gmail.com), if you need private conversation. And last, i use ads in app and thinking I'm allow to use it. I spend all my free time to develop this app and think i deserve it. Currently you can't buy no-ads version due my payment profile is broken. All past payments are refunded and i'm waiting when Google support help me with this issue.

  • 19888

    3.8.5 is out What's new: INFO: Temporary removed Disable Ads feature due payment profile issues. Please, stand by. NEW: Approximate filter by date added in Bookmarks (calendar icon) NEW: Presentation mode added in bookmarks (eye icon) Fixed: wallpaper set on both screens, regardless of which parameters you choose Fixed: icon colors in action mode in light theme

  • 19946

    3.8.6 is out: What's new: Remove Ads button is back. NEW: Seen mark on downloaded or opened images can be enabled in "Preferences - Listing - Show seen mark" NEW: Search now shows total founded images NEW: Default Download directory can be changed in Preferences NEW: Exit confirmation dialog added on Exit. Can be disabled in Preferences HINT: Search with empty request can show you most viewed or most favourites wallpapers (or something else) ---------------------- It will be better, if mods change topic name and add [Android] prefix at start sentence. Thanks.

  • 19978

    After last update, I saw an increased number of app crashes. I test build and all was fine, really don't understand why it was, cos I don't collect any info from users and Google Play doesn't tell me anything about it. After some users give me description where they facing with errors, I realized what the problem was. This is all due to the "Seen" mark. I rolled back latest release in play store, without "Seen" and setting download folder. I hope build 3.8.7 fixes all crashed. It's already out, and update will soon arrive on your phones.

  • 20104

    3.8.9 Beta is out: You can register for beta updates here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/net.softandroid.simplewallpapers All beta updates will come to you as normal updates. What's new: -Added filter for ratio and resolution (in beta without ads and it will be come without ads) -Preferences splitted by sections -Default Download folder can be changed in Preferences - General -Confirmation on exit can be set in Preferences - General -Rate app added in Preferences -NEW: Don't download if file with same name already exists in the directory (Preferences - General) -Added icons in preferences -Fixed: bookmarks sometime not showed latest items -Fixed: side drawer not closed after Preferences pressed ------------------------ Beta release is a Beta. You feedback always important for to make app clear and responsive.

  • 20120

    Will it ever be available on ios?

  • 20122

    niny said:

    Will it ever be available on ios?

    Hi. Unfortunately - No. I don't use any cross platform language and write only native Android apps. For this reason, I ask the moderator to change the title and add the [Android] prefix in the title.

  • 20172

    As some can see, 3.8.9 is released few days ago. New from beta: -App speed launch increased around 50% -White screen on launch replaced with darker color Other 3.8.9 release notes which mention before: -Added filter for ratio and resolution (in beta without ads and it will be come without ads) -Preferences splitted by sections -Default Download folder can be changed in Preferences - General -Confirmation on exit can be set in Preferences - General -Rate app added in Preferences -NEW: Don't download if file with same name already exists in the directory (Preferences - General) -Added icons in preferences -Fixed: bookmarks sometime not showed latest items -Fixed: side drawer not closed after Preferences pressed ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks moderators for change topic name

  • 22048

    Thanks for your app! I downloaded it and found it useful. I prefer to use it in portrait and I like to use it in one culomn. When It is in two columns mode, thumbnails are full rect with correct aspect ratio but in one column mode, pictures are cropped to a fixed aspect ratio like website. I think it is better to have original aspect ratio for thumbnails instead of cropped ones!

  • 22049

    I use your app for a while now. I'm even subscribed for the beta versions. Lately when I go to my own collections and tap one, I get error: http 404. I'm on version 3.12. Can you help?

  • 22057

    KinkyWinky said:

    I use your app for a while now. I'm even subscribed for the beta versions. Lately when I go to my own collections and tap one, I get error: http 404. I'm on version 3.12. Can you help?

    Hello. Yep. Look like collection API broken. Without API key request to fetch user collection return 404. No matter of user. And fetch with API key return ony your own collections, and return 404 for other users. Request specific collection for user with API key also return 404. I will pass it to AksumkA

  • 22086

    Would it be possible to implement muzei in the app?

  • 22588

    The source of the app is not open, right?

  • 22697

    orestis1 said:

    The source of the app is not open, right?

    Hi, yes, you are right.

  • 22705

    Hi. No downloads can be done in the last update. The app closes. Hope this is fixed. Thank you.

  • 22710

    josera22 said:

    Hi. No downloads can be done in the last update. The app closes. Hope this is fixed. Thank you.

    Hi. It's caused by non-standart download directory on Android 10 devices. You can set default directory to Downloads and everything will be work. New update is coming. But. Due new updates in Android 10 policy of using file-system, developers now restricted in creating files and folders. Now we are limited of using custom directories or we need to ask user grant premission to access ALL files on the phone. Google intentionally push developers use only standart directories for saving media files. https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage/shared I need some time to discover more carefully android documentation how to use new rules. As I say before, new update is coming and before I will implement "new folder selection", i prevent Android 10 devices of selection Download folder.

  • 23930

    This app is almost perfect. I like that you use original size thumbnails and don't crop them. But there is a bug. Say you scroll down the image list and click on an image. Then you click a tag on that image and explore the new image list. Now if you go back-back in the original image list it's going to reset you to the top. It would be ideal if the scroll position was the last image you clicked.

    Hope that makes sense.

  • 23937

    mindtrapper said:

    This app is almost perfect. I like that you use original size thumbnails and don't crop them. But there is a bug. Say you scroll down the image list and click on an image. Then you click a tag on that image and explore the new image list. Now if you go back-back in the original image list it's going to reset you to the top. It would be ideal if the scroll position was the last image you clicked.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Hi. Thank you for feedback. App was written something around 1.5 years ago when I was a newbie as Android developer. I made a lot of architectural mistakes and to be honest app need to be rewritten from scratch. I will try find out some free time to fix several navigation issues but it will be not be very fast because nowadays I work in company at 3-5 separate projects.

  • 23939

    Maybe just this quick fix before you overhaul it. If you find the time, it's understandable that this is not a priority. Thank you!

  • 24088

    how did you get these original size thumbnails? I tried to get small size pictures from thier api, but those are croped.

  • 24208

    Hello. I've uploaded v. 4.0 for open testing with some enhancements in navigation between app screens. You can join for testing: via web: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/net.softandroid.simplewallpapers vie Android phone https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.softandroid.simplewallpapers App need to be tested in every aspect, I can miss something because changes affects ~70 project files mindtrapper check it Also I have some plans to improve some navigation with Details view. I am thinking how to not destroy this view when I navigate from it. It is a lot of work and may be it will not be implemented at all, but testers now can focus on something different. And last, I implemented a custom download folder selector for Android 10. Looks like it works and will be in the next release. nope

    Last updated
  • 24213

    r3r I checked it. It is fixed, position in list is saved when returning to first screen. I will use it some more later and report any bugs, if I find any. Thanks!

  • 31852

    do you know why list image always loading?
