More toplist beta tweaks, improved tags, other things

Posts: 22 · Views: 4166
  • 21951

    Hey everyone! Hope you've all been doing OK these last few months.

    I pushed a new update to the site today highlights include:

    • Better decaying for the toplist beta. We should start to see more varied content there again. I'm not sure how this will play out just yet, so expect more tweaks if I'm not happy with it.
    • Tags can now have a 'parent tag.' This will make the related tag sections much more useful. Please report any tags that need parents added in this thread.
    • Small style tweaks to the tags pages (anime)
    • Tag pages will show related tags, this list will show parent/child tags first, then anything else that might match based on tag name/alias.
    • Cleaned up duplicate tags and introduced more preventive measures to stop duplicates from appearing.
    • Added a few 'secret' search filters:
      • !anime_no_char will show all wallpapers that have an anime related tag, but not character name
      • !anime_no_series will do the same, but for wallpapers without any series tags Goal of those is to help under tagged wallpapers find their homes. We have a ton out there, so if you're bored and locked in your home (like most of us are...) why not see if you can help identify anything! If you have any other suggestions for search filters like these, let me know!

    Speaking of helping with the site, I'm going to be looking at getting some more staff on board. Staff are responsible for keeping the site moderated and clean. This includes editing tags, removing wallpapers, banning users. If you're interested shoot me a PM. I'll be looking for users who have a good track record (no bans), have positively contributed (good tagging, flagging, reporting record), and are looking to help keep the site clean!

    One last thing I'm looking for feedback on: Porn I'm thinking on changing some rules to lower the amount of porn we're getting uploaded. My current thought is to lower the images per set from 5 to 3. With almost half of our content under the 'people' category, I'd like to focus the site more on a larger variety of content. Any thoughts on that, please let me know below!

    Thanks for reading this wall of text.

    Last updated
  • 21952

    This update only benefits people who uploads anime walls.

    "My current though is to lower the images per set from 5 to 3. With almost half of our content under the 'people' category."

    So Wallhaven will be now Animehaven.

    That sucks.

    It was fun while it lasted.

  • 21955

    thanks for your work bro ! i dont have any suggests just wanna say Keep the good work up <3

  • 21957

    Don't mind the nay-sayers. You're doing excellent work. Thanks!

  • 21958

    crazysmuk said:

    Don't mind the nay-sayers. You're doing excellent work. Thanks!

    Easy for you, you don't upload shit.

    Anyway, just remember what happened to Tumblr, they went downhill since Staff decided to screw over they user base. I may seem a bit upset, but I like this site a lot and I would hate it to see it ruined by self-imposed limitations.

    Last updated
  • 21960


    you don't upload shit.


    Joking aside this update also benefits general tags as well. Anime only makes up about 17% of the uploads, so saying this only benefits that is a misconception. This can easily benefit games, movies, and other popular media. Take final fantasy games for example. Under each main final fantasy title, we may make the title a parent tag and all of the characters child tags. This may make it easier for some to easily identify specific walls and tags.

  • 21961

    404011xz said:


    you don't upload shit.


    Joking aside this update also benefits general tags as well. Anime only makes up about 17% of the uploads, so saying this only benefits that is a misconception. This can easily benefit games, movies, and other popular media. Take final fantasy games for example. Under each main final fantasy title, we may make the title a parent tag and all of the characters child tags. This may make it easier for some to easily identify specific walls and tags.

    You are right, but my problem is this: why you have to hurt some of your uploaders in order to benefit others? I have almost not interest in uploading anime/general wallpapers, I like to upload women wallpapers, I upload "general" wallpapers now and then but that's it.

  • 21962

    Well, some Users REALLY upload Shit, but joking aside, no one can say this is Shit and this is not except some REALLY sick Stuff no human being with a rest of Heart left inside of them would like. Here are many filters to, ahem...filter things out and hide Stuff and show Stuff and so on. I Upload Nude Women and General, sometimes a Anime i really like and that is fine to me. Fine to me the Side evolved in the last 6 Years and hopefully the next 60 Years still going strong. Oh wait, i'm over 100 Years Old by then :-)

    So let's take all a deep Breathe and Relax for a Moment, okay? And cross your fingers we don't get wiped from the Face of the Earth with the Next Mutated Corona Wave. This is really a terrible Time, so we should enjoy this little Thing called Magic...ahem Wallhaven.

    If your still reading this Text you have won a (virtual) Hug from me :-)

    Stay Save, stay Healthy


  • 21971

    The text is translated through "Google Translate", so I doubt exactly, but I hope the essence will be clear. Hi, I read "One last thing I'm looking for feedback on: Porn" so I decided to write. It seems to me that simply limiting the number of adult content is not a good solution, as this will push the audience away from the site (meaning a good audience, which is likely to download wallpapers to other sections). As far as I understand, you do not like to see a large amount of erotic content and a small amount of other content, but then in theory it is better to increase the influx of images from other sections in order to reduce the appearance of eroticism. To implement this idea, you can try to attract users to other sections, both downloading wallpapers and viewing other wallpapers. For example, to show from time to time pop-up notifications with wallpapers in those categories that may be of interest to the user, as well as from others of which he has never seen or was not interested in order to expand his range of actions. With the help of such offers it is possible to offer interesting wallpapers and to map a user's interests. There is also another more effective option based on the same idea, namely, not just offering other sections and wallpapers, but coming up with a system that will encourage the user to do something to stimulate people's interest in other sections. But there is a problem that even if you come up with such a system, there will remain users for whom it will be completely uninteresting, and therefore they will post everything in one section that interests them, and since the section “porn” is replenished most of all, this option also not very good. There is still a change in the image display system itself. For example, all the images that the user uploads are not immediately published, but collected in the user's feed (something like a queue) (it is infinite and only the owner and people who manage the site see it, and the user can edit the order in which the images are published at any time in the flesh until the moment the image is published and in the order that he likes), the feeds of all users will be added to one common feed of the entire site, from which the publications go when the necessary turn comes. The shared feed is hidden and visible only to people managing the site. The meaning of all this is that thanks to these restrictions it will be possible to hang a filter on the tape that will regulate the flow of the necessary images. The regulation of this general flow is naturally the responsibility of the site administration. For example, per day there should be 33% of "General" wallpapers, 33% of "Anime", 33% of "People", as well as 50% of "SFM", 25% of "Sketchy", 25% of "NSFW" if you downloaded 10 " NSFW "wallpapers, and" SFW "wallpapers only 15, then the system no longer publishes wallpapers in the" NSFW "section until 5 additional wallpapers appear in the" SFW "section, or until the next day, so that the restriction is updated and you can was again lay out the pictures in the section "NSFW". On the basis of this stream, you can also build a reward system, for example, the user selects any section in which he wants to promote his images (for example, "NSFW / women"), then if he uploads some picture to another section that is currently behind in quantity images, then those images that are in its desired section rise in the general flow (as if they change their place in the queue among the same "NSFW / women" wallpapers) and appear faster. Advantages of this method: 1) New images will appear equivalently (more precisely, equally equivalent as required). 2) There will be no restrictions on downloading content, and all the images uploaded by the user will not disappear anywhere. 3) Due to “promotional” images, the total number of uploaded images will increase. 4) For the administration of the site it will be easier to moderate the wallpaper, if they have not yet been published. Cons: 1) some part of the audience will leave anyway, since the need to wait will not suit them as well as the usual prohibitions on laying out, although obviously not in such a large number. 3) There is a high probability that those images that will be downloaded as “encouraging” in order to promote their truly interesting wallpaper to the user will in fact be just “garbage”, just to speed up the process of appearing their desired wallpaper. 4) This method will not affect the uneven distribution of images in sections (well, it can only slightly change it), since all downloaded images will be laid out and the values ​​will only be changed due to additional "encouraging" images. To change this last minus, it is necessary not only to make a corrective flow for a day, week, month, etc., but also for tags. For example, the user has a favorite section / tag "ass", and he wants to add a new image there, but there are too many images with the tag "ass", and, for example, with the tag "landscape" - not so many, and he is invited to speed up the appearance of his picture upload the picture "landscape". For such "encouraging" wallpapers, additional conditions can be set, for example, the image must be at least 1000x2000 px, etc., to reduce the possibility of garbage. With such a system, the uneven distribution of pictures will change. In general, the appearance of garbage is no longer a problem with a large number of images in some sections and not large in others. This is a problem due to the fact that such an opportunity exists. I have already seen someone here writing that some users only crack trash. In my opinion, this is due to the fact that the site does not have an assessment that it is not necessary to upload it. The site on the images has only 2 indicators: views and the number of "favorite", but they only show the relationship of whether this is interesting or not, but they do not show what is good and bad (in fact, what is needed and not needed). To make it clearer, I’ll give an example, I’m a little girl, I’m interested in ponies and dolls, I’m not interested in welding, metalworking and animal corpses are completely disgusting and if welding and metalworking can still be someone interen, very many people will not want to see animal corpses. This is to say that although there are no such images as animal corpses on the site (I’m not sure I didn’t check it), there’s no system showing that any images fit the slag, nobody will be interested. Usually they use a system of likes for dislikes and if the post's rating goes to negative values, it is deleted, and if the user often uploads such images that go to negative values, then they send him to the ban, since it’s clear that he’s nothing good lay out and it makes no sense to keep it. This site does not have this, and when the picture has few views and "favorites", this does not guarantee that the image is unambiguously bad, it only means that it is not popular. If anything, I’m not going to say with this text that these methods are ideal and that it is worth using them, I rather just wanted to prevent the Porn - People content from being cleaned up and show that it’s worth being more careful about decisions because they always have consequences that initially may not be noticeable, but at the same time destructive, as is the case with the Four Pests Campaign. Phew, well, that's all. But in fact, for me personally, all this is not very important. My main request is that in the next update we introduce manual sorting of users' favorites folders, as well as create subfolders of favorite ones. But the main thing is still sorting, because when it is not there, and you want to fit the new category somewhere in the middle of the old ones, you have to rename all the others and then drag the wallpaper from them. This is terribly inconvenient. (Although maybe I just don’t know something and there is already the possibility of sorting)

  • 21972

    ZickJohnson At this point we have no interest in putting in upload "quotas." This could potentially limit "good" wallpapers from being uploaded due to the limit for the day being reached and a user being unable to upload. This may lead to them forgetting, or deciding to stop uploading altogether.

    When it comes to the disparity between people and the other categories it is mostly because of how each wall is created. While it is easy to find a portfolio of one man/women posing, it is not necessarily the same for other forms of art. A photoshoot can produce tens if not a hundred photos. Meanwhile an artist may only produce one piece of unique art a week or month. This is the main reason why we have the current 5 images per set rule, so a user must choose what they think is the best 5 walls so the latest page isn't cluttered with tens if not hundreds of photos of the same photoshoot. The implementation of a 3 set limit instead of 5 may help to alleviate the disparity by making users choose what they believe to be the "best" walls and not just mass uploading.

  • 21976

    AksumkA said:

    One last thing I'm looking for feedback on: Porn I'm thinking on changing some rules to lower the amount of porn we're getting uploaded. My current thought is to lower the images per set from 5 to 3. With almost half of our content under the 'people' category, I'd like to focus the site more on a larger variety of content. Any thoughts on that, please let me know below!

    Is it possible to apply a separate limiter to NSFW uploads only? Because that's something I'd suggest looking into. Right now the definition of a 'set' can include Sketchy or even SFW uploads. I know this adds more complexity but honestly I'm not opposed to the idea of removing the limit imposed on a set. Instead, impose a limit on daily Sketchy and/or NSFW uploads.

    Already, I can tell uploaders' work around will be to intentionally upload with the incorrect Sketchiness property. Unfortunately, the Sketchiness debate is a whole 'nother can of worms I don't want to get into. Luckily, my notions on that already align with the mods here.

    EDIT: BTW, the more menu is broken. derp.

    Last updated
  • 21997

    At this point I'd support pretty much anything that'll help to cut down the porn. I appreciate a healthy dose of erotic art as much as the next guy but it's slowly but steadily taking over the site. This is a wallpaper site. It's supposed to offer variety.

    Invariably somebody will (and already has) argue that we will lose users if we reduce the porn. Assuming that is the case, do we care? The ones who leave on that basis will be the ones who were only here for porn in the first place. We have plenty enough users and we're not desperately dependent on every single page view. If we change nothing, at the current rate, the users who provide quality content in other categories are the ones more likely to leave eventually. Let's not risk that.

    I think ZickJohnson's idea of introducing an upload queue (google translate is quite impressive these days, btw) actually sounds quite reasonable, although the implementation might take a while. AksumkA is doing it all, these days.

    defurious said:

    Already, I can tell uploaders' work around will be to intentionally upload with the incorrect Sketchiness property

    There will always be a few who try to game the system but that's what bans are for.

    EDIT: BTW, the more menu is broken.

    It works for me. What browser?

  • 21998

    I agree that scrolling through the Latest page and finding lots of "porn" pictures isn't nice. And as 404011xz said you can't say they're very artistic, they're basically photos with not much work done on them, easy to find and upload; they look like spam. I'm talking about sets from porn pages, not the individual photos from specific photographers. Another idea would be to ban some specific sources, like these porn sites. The downside would be that some are pretty good. For example, XArt is banned as a source, but I think that's for another reason. But a max 3 set idea is also good, it targets these sets. Ah, I remember when the max was 15... now, that was a spammy Latest page.

  • 22001

    lumberjacck said:

    I agree that scrolling through the Latest page and finding lots of "porn" pictures isn't nice. And as 404011xz said you can't say they're very artistic, they're basically photos with not much work done on them, easy to find and upload; they look like spam. I'm talking about sets from porn pages, not the individual photos from specific photographers. Another idea would be to ban some specific sources, like these porn sites. The downside would be that some are pretty good. For example, XArt is banned as a source, but I think that's for another reason. But a max 3 set idea is also good, it targets these sets. Ah, I remember when the max was 15... now, that was a spammy Latest page.

    I didn't say they aren't artistic. I merely stated that due to the way they are created it's easier to create tens if not a hundred photos as compared to a single or collection of drawings/artwork.

    Also ya some sources are "banned" but unless they are reported or we notice them then they remain up. I'm fairly certain we don't have any automated system to auto detect banned sources and delete them as they appear.

  • 22002

    404011xz Yes, that's what I meant. I did not express myself correctly.

    I think the currently banned sources are for copyright reasons.

  • 22007

    Gandalf said:

    It works for me. What browser?

    It's fine, actually. I just realized my default zoom at 120% is what broke it.

  • 22013

    Gandalf said:

    At this point I'd support pretty much anything that'll help to cut down the porn. I appreciate a healthy dose of erotic art as much as the next guy but it's slowly but steadily taking over the site. This is a wallpaper site. It's supposed to offer variety.

    Invariably somebody will (and already has) argue that we will lose users if we reduce the porn. Assuming that is the case, do we care? The ones who leave on that basis will be the ones who were only here for porn in the first place. We have plenty enough users and we're not desperately dependent on every single page view. If we change nothing, at the current rate, the users who provide quality content in other categories are the ones more likely to leave eventually. Let's not risk that.

    One of the things that made wallbase terrific is that it was able to have NSFW content on site without becoming a hardcore pornsite. It was amazingly capable at balancing the SFW and NSFW content. As someone who has uploaded a lot of sfw wallpapers, the nsfw content didn't really make me feel like leaving (unless it's blatant spam). The problem is it's very difficult to find quality "wallpaper" type content these days because a lot of professional photographers are blocking the ability to download their photos, blocking the ability to view them in full resolution, or putting watermarks that fill half the page because of copyright reasons. This is why half the content these days seems to come from Artstation because they don't limit your ability to download full resolution content. In my opinion you shouldn't punish the NSFW uploaders for what kinda isn't their fault. I think the absence of variety isn't so much 'nsfw uploaders are taking over the website' as it is 'sfw uploaders are having problems finding supply'.

  • 22087

    @CMBN3 said:

    One of the things that made wallbase terrific is that it was able to have NSFW content on site without becoming a hardcore pornsite. It was amazingly capable at balancing the SFW and NSFW content. As someone who has uploaded a lot of sfw wallpapers, the nsfw content didn't really make me feel like leaving (unless it's blatant spam). The problem is it's very difficult to find quality "wallpaper" type content these days because a lot of professional photographers are blocking the ability to download their photos, blocking the ability to view them in full resolution, or putting watermarks that fill half the page because of copyright reasons. This is why half the content these days seems to come from Artstation because they don't limit your ability to download full resolution content. In my opinion you shouldn't punish the NSFW uploaders for what kinda isn't their fault. I think the absence of variety isn't so much 'nsfw uploaders are taking over the website' as it is 'sfw uploaders are having problems finding supply'.

    Not to mention how difficult it's to pass the quality filter lately, I've tried to upload less NSFW content because there's a bunch already but out of every 5 SFW pics I trie, 3 are reported for LQ.

  • 22102

    Maybe the definition of quality should be changed a little then. Stop hunting for tiny artifacts on otherwise great pictures and don't gauge quality based on the amount of Photoshop used - I've seen pretty much amateur pictures which actually are very pretty and make great wallpapers, while on the other hand, you have everything by this guy: Ura Pechen who uses such absurdly heavy-handed filtering that I still hardly believe it passes the "no amateur filters" rule.

    Then you will automatically get more nice pictures which tend to have slight imperfections, and less low quality porn which is often overprocessed.

  • 22791

    I'm thinking on changing some rules to lower the amount of porn we're getting uploaded.

    Good way. People by default didn't see NSFW stuff, but if you turn filter off, oh... Maybe coders can add button "Bonk" witch move upload immediately to "Horny jail" category.

    Last updated
