[Tool] Random Wallpaper Setter

Posts: 4 · Views: 618
  • 16527

    Today I like to share with you actual stable builds of a program I have been working on for the past few days... The program works on all platforms this includes MacOS, Linux (Most Major DW's), and Windows...

    The program is actively worked on and it based in GoLang with no cgo as this software could run on ARM like windows surface or tablet computer with a ARM CPU no problems...

    I would share with you a GUI image but here is the kicker there is no GUI... It's a pure SysTask (Notification bar)... It puts a small icon in your Notification center and you right click it to change options... Along with be able to show the image here or download the image directly... This programs goes in hand with another project soon to be shared as well...

    For now you can download builds from the repo by following the pipeline link which is located here:

    Github: [url]https://github.com/Toyz/RandomWP[/url] Stable Builds: [url]https://gitlab.com/Toyz/RandomWP/-/jobs/artifacts/master/browse?job=build[/url]

    Notice: If you want a Mac or Linux build you must build the source code yourself current

    Last updated
  • 18246

    It sets a random wallpaper and if you don’t trust it that’s cool you could always build it from source yourself as it’s in

    Added 2018-12-04 15:16:38

    Another reason for the flags could also be the fact of how it packaged assets on the binary I did it this way so it’s single binary you can actually run it directly if you have go installed you can use use something like “go get -u” with the GitHub and it will pull deps and build

    I have no reason to release malware or create such, and most anti viruses are known to flag packaged exe as viruses

    Last updated
