IQDB is here at last!

Posts: 29 · Views: 1349
  • 13769

    It took us awhile for sure, but we're finally ready with IQDB aka better dupe detection! This is one of the last few big features we've got to go before we're ready to FINALLY end the eternal alpha! Since that's the case, I think this deserves its own post here!

    Next to the search boxes you'll notice a new 'search by image' button. You can now select an image 3MB and under to search out database for. The search will return anything it thinks might be somewhat similar to the upload.

    Grouping in wallpapers has been dead for a few updates now, but with IQDB we've basically reimplemented it in a totally automated fashion. Under the resolution of each wallpaper is now a 'Search for similar' link. Clicking it will show you any wallpapers that IQDB thinks look like the one you're looking at. How much it thinks it looks like will be under each thumb.

    We don't expect perfect results if there are no exact matches out there, so thinking of it as a replacement for the old grouping function is best. It will return some... questionable results for most our uploads.

    In a few weeks we'll be implementing IQDB into our upload process. We decided to hold off on that part while we get a feel for how well it will preform. We'll be logging any matches so we can decide if the system is working as well as we hope it will.

    Let us know what you think! Hope you enjoy!

    <3 AK

  • 13770

    So when alpha ends will everything be deleted like it was foretold? Or will we still be able to enjoy the vast amount of backgrounds here without having to put them back.

  • 13771

    This is Awesome!

  • 13772

    Working good, but can you exclude the query image itself from the similar results? Right now it shows it found itself as a duplicate. :E

  • 13775

    AksumkA said:

    You can now select an image 3MB and under to search out database for. The search will return anything it thinks might be somewhat similar to the upload.

    Why a 3mb limit if the upload limit is 10mb? Also, will the upload limit ever be increased to support higher resolution images? I prefer to upload everything as PNG but when I get in the 4k-8k range of images I have no choice but to convert to JPG and in some cases actually lower the quality or even scale down the resolution. Kind of a bummer.

  • 13776

    Just wanted to say, that you guys did a fantastic job on this and I appreciate all the hard work you did put into this. Usually, when you work behind closed curtains, people won't recognize what you are doing and how much work it is, especially, if you have to do other things for a living! So again - Thanks for all of this guys!

  • 13777

    404011xz said:

    So when alpha ends will everything be deleted like it was foretold? Or will we still be able to enjoy the vast amount of backgrounds here without having to put them back.

    Actual good and in use wallpapers will be reuploaded, also eliminates duplicates.

  • 13782

    This is awesome.

    Will the system also be able to automatically merge walls once you trust it enough, or should this be up to admins?

  • 13783

    There are really MANY MANY Duplicates here.

    Better to erase everything and start fresh ?

    We report them and the Admins have the Fun to work through thousands of duplicates ?

  • 13785

    Brilliant stuff, glad to see progression of any kind!

  • 13825

    Can confirm it isn't perfect. Had a wallpaper I had downloaded from deviantart in a folder and when I was trying to download the folder it didn't autodetect the wallpaper that I KNEW was on here already. Thumbnails didn't load so I had to go back and reupload when I noticed it when I was putting in tags. The resolutions were quite different, but the image itself was identical. Good thing I waste tons of time on here looking through thousands of wallpapers to find ones I like or I wouldn't of known it was already here :P

  • 13829

    Great work on this feature, Would be cool if you could perhaps in the future add the ability to just input an image ID of an image already on Wallhaven.

  • 13831

    Crav3n In the wallpaper view sidebar at the top is a button for "similar wallpapers". Does that cover your need?

  • 13843

    Aksumka, is there anyway an algorithm or category can be added to allow for Proper 1440p+ resolutions with appropriate DPI? The pure volume of wallpaper is great, but sorting through issues such as watermarking and upscaled images that reduce visual quality (noticeably so) are a real problem.

  • 13910

    eldergeek said:

    Aksumka, is there anyway an algorithm or category can be added to allow for Proper 1440p+ resolutions with appropriate DPI? The pure volume of wallpaper is great, but sorting through issues such as watermarking and upscaled images that reduce visual quality (noticeably so) are a real problem.

    That is so annoying, i really get tired to see a very good wallpapper but when i open it, and see that the original image have a lower resolution I feel disappointed, clickbait is real.

  • 13925

    eldergeek, drobbe sounds like you guys are finding some low quality upscales. Make sure to report them so we can delete them.

    There really isn't a way to detect them automatically.

  • 14023

    I'll gladly do that - Would it be possible to create groups for users to join to make collections easier?

  • 14132

    suggestion. on 'search for similar' first one is the same which you are viewing right now. i doubt this is how it should be

  • 14133

    @dwemer said:

    suggestion. on 'search for similar' first one is the same which you are viewing right now. i doubt this is how it should be

    That actually quite handy.

  • 14134

    why you need to view the exact same image as the first result? if you need to recall what you were seeing, you could just close the window for a second

  • 14139

    Why closing the window for a second if I can have source image in front of my eyes all the time?

  • 14141

    because the window is for similar wallpapers and same is not similar

  • 14143

    The same image thumbnail will stay. There are people who find it useful (myself included) and everybody else can simply ignore it. However I will probably add some kind of highlighting to make it more obvious that it is in fact the exact match so people won't have to waste time figuring it out. (see
