subscribtion notices : duplicates ??? NSFW

Posts: 5 · Views: 169
  • 13054

    so I had subscribed to : "Helga Lovekaty" #{6212} and while reviewing my subscribtion notices I'm seeing duplicate notices example : there's twice this exact picture with the same url :

    2228 x 147684
    and also twice this one :
    NSFWYou need to be logged in to view this wallpaper.

    to be clear, it's not duplicate wallpapers since those are the same wallpapers, rather it's a duplicate notification. This is rather minor, though I thought you might want to know.

  • 13056

    Yeah that happens when a tag was removed and re-added. It should only be a problem on the individual tag subscription pages.

  • 13058

    Gandalf said:

    Yeah that happens when a tag was removed and re-added. It should only be a problem on the individual tag subscription pages.

    ha I see so when notices are created for a specific user, existing notices are not checked against. that's alright I suppose.

  • 13059

    Correct. It usually doesn't happen enough to make it worth bothering with an additional check like that.

  • 13060

    Well we could add a UNIQUE for the listing. I'm just not quite sure where to put it.
