Hey! im NEW here, tell me what you think?

Posts: 10 · Views: 855
  • 8698

    Wait, did you make this one as well?

    1920 x 108099

  • 8699

    Those are great, man! How you do dis?

  • 8712

    That's awesome. I used that one for like a year on my laptop.

    How do you make those?

  • 8722

    @Phonylicious said:

    I make them on Adobe After Effects with a plugin called Trapcode Form, initially i made them to be a music waveform visualizer, but after i saw that people like them as wallpaper too i decided i'd make more wallpapers with them

    Great job!

  • 8729

    I personally don't like these kind of wallpapers, but honestly, congratulations for that, you're doing a great job for the community! Do you plan in venturing through new styles and tools?

  • 8774

    You rock, phony - I've been enjoying your videos for a while - glad to see you here too!

  • 8776

    @Phonylicious said:

    yeah, i've done other types as well>

    2400 x 118713PNG

    That's cool. I love CGI. Nice work mate. Please, do keep making these. I'm into digital art too, but i've never posted anything on wallbase.
