Changes to uploading/uploads

Posts: 45 · Views: 2551
  • 10201

    Merged those dupes BTW, in-case you're wondering why the formatting in his post is messed up.

  • 10209

    I uploaded a Wallpaper, created a new Tag and then abandoned it. When i look now to the Tag-Page my name is cleary seen because i created the tag. So everybody knows who uploaded it.

  • 10212

    @WallpaperManiac, Well if you own up to both creating the tag and uploading the wallpaper of course people will know who uploaded it! :P

    There really isn't any way to 'prove' you were the upload just because of this one tag (at least from a guest/user standpoint, again staff can still see who uploaded what). I'd figure most people would just assume you tagged some random wallpaper with a fresh tag.

  • 10233

    I just visited 'Untagged' section and what have I found?

    4000 x 30003

    This DOES NOT have any tags! That's just one example, there are few of them, and they were uploaded today. How is this possible? Were they deleting tags after uploading? In that case, I guess, we need to prevent users from deleting tags on uploaded wallpaper if there are only two tags. Or have you disabled 'minimum tags on upload'? I thought we have solved the problem, dammit

  • 10235

    @dwemer: I deleted some tags because they had nothing in common with wallpaper. I would better appreciate some suggestions how to prevent users to use some 2 random tags just to go through uploading. Anyone?

  • 10236

    I'd suggest that a user shouldn't be able to upload more than x wallpapers without a tag. Banning the uploader will most likely do the trick. (few hours will do. give warning first!)

  • 10239

    kejsirajbek said:

    @dwemer: I deleted some tags because they had nothing in common with wallpaper. I would better appreciate some suggestions how to prevent users to use some 2 random tags just to go through uploading. Anyone?

    Maybe a minimum of two tags is one too many sometimes especially when we go back to some of the things we discussed about superficial tags. The only tag I can think of for this one is bracelet, and that doesn't even exist yet. Also I get the feeling that if that tag was created, you'd start seeing it on wallpapers where the bracelet wasn't even the subject, which then brings us back to superficial tags. Ugh.

  • 10242

    kejsirajbek said:

    @dwemer: I deleted some tags because they had nothing in common with wallpaper. I would better appreciate some suggestions how to prevent users to use some 2 random tags just to go through uploading. Anyone?

    Base of tags is big enough to set a rule that those two tags must be of which already exists. Dunno how hard it would be to implement that rule, though...

  • 10253

    Cryzeen said:

    kejsirajbek said: Base of tags is big enough to set a rule that those two tags must be of which already exists. Dunno how hard it would be to implement that rule, though...

    The rule could be implemented but hard to enforce because it would require machine learning to figure out that the tag doesn't fit the image; it might as well do the tagging for us. This is where the community has to do their part. All we can really do is inform uploaders to tag appropriately(we already have this rule anyway) and correct the ones we find that are wrong. If there is a tag history per wallpaper then that would be useful for determining and punishing users who tag inappropriately. That, however, is probably a strain on server resources and IMO will not be as useful as it seems in the long run. Relying on the community is good enough.

  • 10381

    Hi guys, Been some time since I've been here. glad to see you're still improving the site. OpenCV has some stuff for dup detection and it's really FAST for comparing 2 images. on the database side(your entire database against one image) I can help you do it. For the tags issue, You can use bloom filters for early detection of users using unrelated tags together and mark the wallpapers for later review. it's only a few kilobytes per tag, should be very efficient since it doesn't take any space per image.

    email me, I'm too busy to see pretty stuff these days.

  • 10437

    microcosmos said:

    And sometimes i upload weird redhead-girls and stuff only the user "lezboyd" would like. So you could put this "extra" here without getting in the spot to attract public attention for irregular uploads.

    I LOL'ed IRL

  • 10462

    lezboyd said:

    microcosmos said: I LOL'ed IRL

    well, he's right:p You've got an exquisite taste.

    AksumkA I have less than zero experience with image processing, but I have worked my entire life on databases. if you can make this work I can scale it up for you.

    I really really want to see what happens behind the scenes here. plz let me help, senpai. <anime-eyes direction="up"/>

  • 11214

    The tagging system on the upload page needs a slight rework. If you upload multiple wallpapers then they shouldn't all be selected by default, it's clearly causing some confusion for some people. Or better yet, make it so you can only tag wallpapers one by one instead of mass tagging them. Mass tagging should be a "hidden" advanced feature. This should also keep new users from just coming here and dumping their wallpapers folders.

  • 11492

    AksumkA said:

    Holy Solid write up there, thanks! We're actually currently doing something similar to your B-A workflow, but clearly it's crap. Soon we'll be ready with IQDB so we'll be using that (with a fallback to our current shit system just in case) for dupe detection. I've been testing the piss out of it lately, and it looks like this will be a huge improvement. It will also give us the added bonus of allowing image based searches and searching for similar wallpapers already uploaded. Fingers crossed for sometime before the end of the year!

    the holy fucking grail wooohooooo xD can't wait :p

    I'd suggest at least till we are still in alpha that walls found in the database as duplicates would be shown to the uploader so an uploader can report a bug eventually ???? (unless the IQDB system is perfect) to go further on this idea. I don't know how uploaders generally upload but maybe if walls with higher than 99% similarity were found, show them to the uploader & ask if they still want to upload/provide option to group the images ?

    Last updated
  • 11758

    just when I finished uploaded my hentais, it prompts "you must tag at least two tags",

    I felt like we're going back to medieval times when I need to put a big rock on a big catapult, alone, to throw into a big gate of a city to fight a war with a viking country that have laser technology as weaponry where I was just there alone and filling my thoughts and mind with something imaginary and funny like Hatsune Miku or Takashi Sorimachi or AksumkA's profile picture that I thought was a GIF but its not.

    like in the anime, "Dude, what gives?". Alpha WH is getting ridiculous. and also, if i upload a batch of pictures containing Teletubbies, Bananas in Pyjamas, with Rowan Atkinson being edited fit into Slark Murloc Nightcrawler's face, Invoker driving a 1985 Volvo car, Barney the dinosaur fighting Ultrama Ginga, I can't conclude all that in one single tag. I can't even. now need two. this is like masturbation.

    Added 2016-12-13 00:38:19

    I was like Prince Zuko

    1920 x 108086

    Last updated
  • 11763

