Introduce Yourself!

Posts: 69 · Views: 3453
  • 8192

    Hey! I'm vivid and i'm from New Zealand. I visit the haven every day !

  • 8208

    Zeref said:

    hey guys, im Zeref, i came here after stumbling across it looking for awesome papes. Im always looking for awesome papes, i love digital art. I started uploading becasue i wanted to share the digitl art that i loved. I currently am in college, im a Computer Science major at unc-ch. Thats about it really, i game some too, on alot of different things when i have time. I like building things, all sort of things, models, programs, computers, i even dabbled with arduinos. so far i like it here.


    Zeref as in the evil wizard Zeref? You should have stayed hidden on Tenrou man. The whole end of the world thing was not a cool thing to do.

    On a sidenote, I'm just a mod here. I do moderator stuff. Like... uh. You know, moderating stuff.

  • 8224

    TahMahn said:

    Zeref said: ಠ_ಠ Zeref as in the evil wizard Zeref? You should have stayed hidden on Tenrou man. The whole end of the world thing was not a cool thing to do. On a sidenote, I'm just a mod here. I do moderator stuff. Like... uh. You know, moderating stuff.

    I actually have only seen the first season of fairy tale, so I have no idea what you are talking about. haha. I use that name because I have a friend that watches it and he told me that Zeref reminded him of me, so I started using it cause i thought it was a cool name.

  • 9487

    22yo IT-Student from the EU here, came for the wallpapers back when the site still was named wallbase; stayed for the wallpapers through the years.

    Related to my studies I know all kinds of IT-Stuff, C#, some Java, Linux, Windows-Server, Networking, you name it. When i'm not sitting behind the pc gaming or coding, i'm most likely reading...

  • 9494

    Hey ;D i'm Simon, came to this website searching a wallpaper and I inmediatley fell in love with it, i love the style of it and i'm trying to contribute in further posts :D ... I like videogames, indie rock, a little bit of anime and cars. so that's pretty much me :p

  • 9503


    My name is Matthew in reality, not much of a stretch from my username but hey.

    I am an old wallbase user that was more of a lurker just snatching walls and then when it went down and was "replaced" with wallhaven i decided to change over from lurker to uploader to repopulate some of the walls lost. Course, that was awhile ago so now I upload near weekly. (shameless self-advertising.)

    Anyways, Im a student who likes anime, video games, score/epic/alternative music, knives, and catgirls. Nice to meet you all.

  • 9538

    Hi. My name is Lenny. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Figured I'd post in here. I migrated from Wallbase (RIP) like so many of us. Hopefully we'll grow our own awesome coomunity, with cool wallpapers, blackjack and hookers!

  • 12760

    Hi, i am nocturnal, and most likely hate you.

  • 13790

    Being an ex-user of Wallbase is how I discovered Wallhaven. I commend the team and staff for taking time in creating an alternative. I hope to make friends and help in whatever small way I can.

    I'm a scholar of History and Philosophy who loves sleeping, reading, writing, cooking and music. I play little Piano and Saxophone. I'm also in the process of making a website for my poetry and other writings. I definitely look forward to sharing more in the future.

    My profile on is here.

    PS: Will the forums also be deleted before the update? I'm also eager to upload wallpapers.

    Many thanks.

    Last updated
  • 18230

    Hello, I'm GasM. I'm relatively new here (made an account but didn't realize the community was active in the forums)! I found this website a while back when I was searching for desktop wallpapers for my MacBook Pro and Windows 10 Desktop. It's by far my favorite "Wallpaper" website because the quality for uploaded wallpapers are completely off the charts compared to any other wallpaper website I've visited. I love listening to music, playing sports, and building things (basically anything -- computers, etc., etc.). I started learning how to code over the last year (currently learning C++ and Python).

  • 18691

    Hi, Enzo here. I was searching for wallpapers on the web when I came across with Wallhaven. Now I can stop browsing for good collections, very nice content as always.

    I'm a programmer, a geek fella who likes all about computers. A kind of minimalistic type of guy when art is concerned.

    Very nice to meet all of you. Cheers!

  • 19767

    Awesome!It must be the best place for wallpapers that I have ever been Nice to meet there ! 干杯🍻

  • 20457

    Hey guys, found this place from /wg/ when it was still wallbase. I'm here to collect wallpapers and waste time at work.

  • 21249

    Hello. Been creating space wallpapers for the last decade or so in Photoshop. Happy to contribute to the site!

  • 21406

    sup, been lurking wallpapers here for quite awhile now, but just started playing around with making my own :3

  • 21518

    I'm FyörGyn, I'm 22 years old and I study food technology. Made an acc because I really like wallpapers (obviously) and I am really picky about it, so I wanted to share my faves. And I really like this site. Just wanted to say hi to the community :D

  • 21764

    Hi everyone! I've been using wallhaven for a bit of time now, but I hadn't used the forums until now.

    I really loved the artsy wallpapers everyone brings in here so I decided I would always search here for the ones I'd use.

    Hope we can get along!


    I met a nice guy 123456789 these days, he liked saying things like 01010011 01110100 01100001 01111001 00100000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 01101000 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101000 01100001 01101110 01100100 01110011

  • 23260


    Last updated
  • 26153

    Hello all. I am combined45 and today while visiting I accidentally scrolled down too far, and that's where I discovered this website has a forum. o_O

    I am a straight white male and if you visit my profile you will discover that I like women. Strange? I know.

    No but really, I like to draw and stuff and well yes, I do find the female figure quite aesthetically pleasing, I also use many of the pictures I find here as reference poses for art and whatnot.

    I also write music. Electronic music to be precise.

    All though this is my first time on the forum, I used to browse wallbase before it shutdown, and I was like "Aw yeah" when wallhaven took its place.
