Tags for Adult Women Models

Posts: 2 · Views: 901
  • 26866

    I'd just like to point out the following two concepts which will hopefully assist my fellow Wallhavians in proper tagging:

    1. Not all women who pose nude are pornstars.

    2. Not all women who pose for Playboy are Playmates.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Thanks.

    Have a nice day!

  • 26868

    Thank you! So many people think "nude" means "has sex on camera" which is a pretty ignorant correlation to assume. I wish people would put a little more effort into their posts at time, I've been guilty of lackadaisical tagging myself in the past so I can't be too harsh on that front. If you don't know who is in the picture, don't put playmate/pornstar/etc - likewise if you DO know, FFS look the person up and see if they fit the bill. The "pornstar" tag will pull up likely 80+% of the nudes on this site and maybe half of those are in "porn".
