RSS Feed

Posts: 7 · Views: 364
  • 3454

    Would love to get an rss feed of the daily or weekly top wallpapers.

  • 5651

    Its up to the devs, but in my humble opinion, a free-to-use + ad-free site cannot afford the kinda bandwidth required for this feature.

  • 5705

    Yeah, RSS feeds cause a lot of traffic. They might be a good idea for a later point, but for now this isn't something I'd consider worth the trouble.

  • 16841

    Divide and conquer. It doesn't have to be integrated with the site for now. It can be one php/python file which is connecting to the db and generating xml file for rss feed. If you give me db schema I will do it.

    PS If you still are afraid of load generated by rss readers you can always decrease it with a feedburner -

    # do not redirect feedburner, but redirect everyone else RewriteCond User-Agent: (?!FeedBurner). RewriteRule .index.xml$|.*atom.xml$ [I,RP,L]

    Last updated
  • 23510

    Has the position on offering these softened at all? I was just tinkering with my XScreensaver settings when I got the brainstorm that the Toplist here would be the ideal image source to feed it.
