Subscriptions Page Not Opening

Posts: 17 · Views: 755
  • 26383

    I can not access my Subscriptions page.

    Every time I try, I get this error.

    Error 524 A Timeout Occurred

  • 27530

    same here anyone knows if the DEVS are looking into this. I am getting: is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500

    Last updated
  • 27755

    It just opens empty page (empty <body>) for me.

  • 27844

    Glad i'm not the only one having this problem. It's so annoying.

  • 27847

    So,how to solve this problem?

  • 28078

    im having the HTTP ERROR 500. every time I try to open subscriptions it shows this error. little help for DEVS i have approx 1k unseen subscriptions.

  • 28191

    I'm having HTTP ERROR 500 too, and I have 200K unseen lmao. Does anyone at least know a way to clear the new subscription notices easily?

  • 28195

    Yeah, I'm going to eventually rework how subs work.

    For the time being, I'll be deleting unseen subs when I see a problem.

    For everyone else: Try to not sub to overly used tags, keep your subs to the more specific tags you're interested in.

  • 28253

    Me too. I have more than 300K unseen. And now I trying to unsub tags. Now 140K. Still can't get this page open.

  • 28549

    AksumkA said:

    Yeah, I'm going to eventually rework how subs work.

    For the time being, I'll be deleting unseen subs when I see a problem.

    For everyone else: Try to not sub to overly used tags, keep your subs to the more specific tags you're interested in.

    Hello,my subscription page cannot be opened, showing HTTP ERROR 500 I have 10k pictures that cannot be viewed,how can I solve it?

  • 29553

    This has been going on for a few months now, and we are yet to hear from the officials on this.

    I subscribed to lots and lots of artists and used the images for reference purposes for digital art etc, but the subs page has been bugged to the core. Sigh.
