Need help finding vertical wallpapers

Posts: 5 · Views: 136
  • 22380

    Does this site have vertical specific wallpapers? I cant seem to find them!

  • 22385

    I find ratio to be most reliable. Then narrow down using your minimum desired resolution.

  • 22743

    jellobutter said:

    I find ratio to be most reliable. Then narrow down using your minimum desired resolution.

    First of all, I agree with your point that filtering by aspect ratio is a much more productive way of finding upright/portrait images than searching by the tags. It also brought to the forefront of my mind two minor quibbles I have with the site.

    1. Why does the system not automatically add the #{vertical} and portrait display tags to images with those aspects if the uploader fails to do so? And why is one of those tags not just an alias of the other (ideally the latter an alias of the former)?
    2. The use of the term "Square" for the final category does a number on my OCD, as all its members save the first one are anything but square. Was consideration ever given to calling that fourth category of aspect ratios "Photographic"? I believe a good argument can be made for doing so.
