Filtering tags

Posts: 2 · Views: 176
  • 21455

    Filtering tags doesn't seem to be working correctly for me. I can include tags but not exclude them. Example: If I search for +music +anime; it works as it should. But if I exclude a tag, e.g -guitar; It doesn't work.

    I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if the search is bugged somehow. Searching for +music +anime returns 460 wallpapers (everything on default, searching by relevance). Now, if I try to exclude guitars by adding "-guitar" to the search query, e.g +music +anime -guitar, It returns 387,595 wallpapers.

    Edit: Okay, I made it work. In the API documentation for the search query, it first includes the tags, then excludes them. Like this, it transforms the URL parameter in "+music+anime-guitar". Then, the URL parses "+anime-guitar" as one tag. If we exclude the tags first, this won't happen, e.g "-guitar+music+anime", it returns 226 wallpapers instead of 461 (with +music+anime).

    Last updated
  • 22282

    Hi lucas! I just found your post and it was useful to me! (I ran out of filters in my browsing options) Do you know how to filter tags that have spaces in them? like "call of duty" for example... I hate video game wallpapers and there are a lot!

    Added 3 minutes after

    nevermind... just found that you just simply write the tag without spaces and it works. :)

    In case someone is looking at this, no... you cannot write the tags without spaces, I was wrong. You can however add one of those words in the filter and it will filter both words of the tag e.g "video games" you can filter "-video" or "-games".

    Last updated
