Wallpaper auto change (Windows, Linux)

Posts: 4 · Views: 402
  • 9525


    I have written a script, that can auto change your wallpaper. It uses wallhaven, as a image db.

    You can download it from: https://bitbucket.org/Goblenus/wallpaperchanger


    • auto change wallpaper
    • one time change wallpaper
    • auto change wallpaper timeout
    • save wallpaper to local staroge, as file (name like: Wallpaper-2016-07-03_20.47.52.jpg)
    • set resolution for wallpaper \
    • set ratio for wallpaper |
    • set sorting |
    • set order | => wallhaven download image settings
    • all wallhaven category (general, anime, people) |
    • sfw and sketchy purity (nsfw - not supported (it's due to csrf token protection)) |
    • wallhaven download page /

    You can start it by typing: python3 WallpaperChanger.py

    Of course you need to be installed python3 and requests, bs4 (by pip).

    Tested: Windows 10 and Ubuntu 14.04, all works fine.

    Sorry for my english, I'm not native speaker.

  • 9628


    • Now you can get wallpapers with NSFW purity

    Please do not use default user.

  • 18997

    It could just be me, but I can't make it work. I installed python 3, 'requests' and 'bs4', I have the .py script in a folder. When I ran it the first time I got the error:

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'wallhavenapi.WallhavenApi'

    I found and downloaded your wallhavenapi and my new error is:

    AttributeError: 'WallhavenApi' object has no attribute 'get_images_urls'

    I installed Git, but github still is really beyond me. I don't know what I'm looking at, or how to dowload things and their dependancies, or what commands to use; so that's most likely the issue? You could say I dont GIT IT. Gahahahaahaaaaah.
